- Bratoeva K, Nikolova S, Merdzhanova A, Stoyanov G, Dimitrova E, Kashlov J, Conev N, Radanova M. Association between serum ck-18 levels and the degree of liver damage in fructose-induced metabolic syndrome. Journal of Metabolic Syndrome and Related Disorders, 2018 6(7): 350-357. ISSN: 1557-8518
- Bratoeva K, Mariya Radanova, Albena Merdzhanova, Ivan Donev.Protective Role of S-Adenosylmethionine Against Fructose-Induced Oxidative Damage in Obesity. Journal of Mind and Medical Sciences. 2017; 4(2): 163-171. ISSN: 2392-7674
- Bratoeva K, Stoyanow S. G, Merdzhanova A., Radanova. Manifestations of Renal Impairment in Fructose-induced Metabolic Syndrome. M. CUREUS, 2017;9(11):e1826. ISSN 2168-8184.
- G. Bekyarova, M. Tzaneva, K. Bratoeva, I. Kotzev.Heme-oxygenase-1 upregulated by s-adenosylmethionine. potential protection against non-alcoholic fatty liver induced by high fructose diet. FARMACIA. 2017; 65 (2), 262-267 .
- Bratoeva K, Bekyarova G. Irina Ivanova, Andrei Kotzev, Minka Hristova at al. 4-Hydroxynonenal (HNE) and hepatic injury related to chronic oxidative stress. Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment 2019, VOL. 33, NO. 1, 1544–1552
- Veselina Panayotova, Albena Merdzhanova,Diana A. Dobreva, Kameliya Bratoeva, Lubomir Makedonski. Nutritional composition, bioactive compounds and health-beneficial properties of black sea shellfish J of IMAB. 2020 Jul-Sep;26(3)
- K. Bratoeva, M. Radanova, A. Merdzhanova.Еffect of аllopurinol on oxidative stress in obesity and liver content of free fatty acids.J. BioSci. Biotechnol. 2015, SE/ONLINE: 91-96.ISSN: 1314-6446
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- Bekyarova G., Bratoeva K, Bekyarov N.Uric аcid аnd vascular disorders in metabolic syndrome.Cardiovascular Diseases 2013,44(1),40-44.ISSN 0204-6865
- George S. Stoyanov, Ina Kobakova, Lyuben Stoev, Hristo Popov, Savi R. Shishkov, Kameliya Bratoeva. Histological Changes in Severe Diabetic Fetopathy: An Autopsy Case Report. Cureus. 2019/3; 11 (3) e4199.
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- E. Dimitrova, B. Chaushev, N. Conev, K. Bratoeva et al. Role of the pretreatment 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography maximal standardized uptake value in predicting outcomes of colon liver metastasesand that value's association with Beclin-1 expression. BioScience Trends Vol. 11 (2017) No. 2 p. 221-228,
- Assia Konsoulova, Ivan Donev, Nikolay Conev, Sonya Draganova, Nadezhda Petrova, Eleonora Dimitrova, Hristo Popov, Kameliya Bratoeva, Petar Ghenev.First line 5-fu-based chemotherapy with/ without bevacizumab formetastatic colorectal cancer: tissue biomarker candidates.J of IMAB. 2016,22;(1):1038-1044. ISSN: 1312-773X
- M. Radanova, K. Bratoeva, N. Nazifova-Tasinova, M. Todorova, V. Vasilev, D. Ivanova "The GG rs292001 genotype prevails in seronegative for ANA and anti-dsDNA antibodies patients with lupus nephritis." Scripta Scientifica Medica, 48(3), 34-38, 2016.
- Mariya Kosturkova, Galya Mihaylova, Bogdan Rousev, Desislava Ivanova, Iliyan Kolev, Kameliya Bratoeva, Ivan Shterev, Мaria Radanova. Risk of development of solid tumors in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. Варненски медицински форум; 2018; 7(2) 7-17. ISSN 2367-5519
- Bratoeva K, Dimitrova E, Conev N, Kashlov J, Panajotova E, Stoyanov G, Radanova M, Donev I. Expression of hepatic HMGB1 levels in fructose- induced fatty liver. Варненски медицински форум, 2018; 7(2): 151-157. ISSN 2367-5519
- M. Radanova, K. Bratoeva, V. Vasilev, B. Deliyska, V. Ikonomov, T. Argirova "Association between anti-C1q and anti-dsDNA antibodies in patients with Lupus nephritis" Science & Technologies, 10 (1), 55-60, 2015.