Date and place of birth: 23.11.1957, Pleven, Bulgaria.
Education, qualification, academic development
- Medical Academy, Medical Faculty - Pleven, Master of Medicine (1976 - 1982)
- 1st City Polyclinic, Pleven, district pediatrician (1982 -1984)
- Higher Medical School Pleven (assistant 1984, senior assistant 1990, chief assistant 1992)
- Medical Academy, Sofia, Specialist in Medical Genetics (1989)
- PhD (Candidate of Medical Sciences, 1994), PhD thesis "Genetic-Diagnostic Study of School- Age Children with Mental Disabilities" (Higher Attestation Commission Sofia, scientific supervisor Assoc. Prof. Dr. V. Georgieva, MA, Sofia).
- Higher Medical School Pleven: "Associate Professor" in Genetics (code: 01. 06. 06. ) (2002)
- Medical University Varna "Associate Professor" in Genetics (code: 01. 06. 06. ) (2003 , Higher Attestation Commission Sofia) Head of the Division of Medical Genetics, Department of Pediatrics and Medical Genetics
- University Hospital "St. Marina" Varna, Head of newly established Laboratory of Medical Genetics (June 2003 - June 2019)
- Medical University Varna, Head of newly established Department of Medical Genetics (2015 - )
- Medical University Varna "Professor" in Medical Genetics (2017)
- Medical University Varna, professional qualification "Health Management" ( 2012-2013)
Major specializations abroad
- Children`s University Hospital Management in MPS, 2016, Manchester, UK.
- Remote Training Center for Bulgaria at the 29th Course of the European School of Medical Genetics, Bertinoro, Italy, 8-12 May 2016 (Prof. H. Brunner, G. Romeo, Prof. B. Wirth).
- 3 Rencontres Multidisciplinarires sur la maladie de Fabry to European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education 2008 - Paris, France (supervised by Prof. Dr Dominique Germain);
- 9th Course of the European School of Medical Genetics, Genoa, Italy, 1996 (Prof. G. Romeo, Prof. V. A. McKusick, Prof. A. Bertolini);
- Frankfurt/Main, Germany, Institute of Human Genetics (head U.Langenbeck), X-XI 1991;
- Principles of Molecular Biology, TEMPUS program (supervisors prof. S. Wattiaux-De Coninck and prof. Stoyan Danev) 1994 and 1995;
The only habilitated lecturer in Medical Genetics at MU Varna for:
- Lecture course for Master in Medicine (BEO and AEO)
- Lecture course for Master of Pharmacy (MOP)
- Lecture course for bachelors "Nurse" and "Midwife" of MU Varna and the branches in Sliven, Shumen and Veliko Tarnovo.
- Lecture course for specialists "Medical Technicians" at Medical University Varna.
- Courses for post-graduate students in endocrinology, cardiology, hematology, residency training for pediatricians in the module Medical Genetics
- Supervisor of the residency in Medical Genetics of 7 physicians – assistants' professors.
- Member of the National Examinational Board for becoming a specialist in Medical Genetics.
- Member of the State Examination Commission for awarding a specialty in Medical Genetics
- Participation in 2 projects "Student Practices" and "Support for the Development of Doctoral Students, Postdoctoral Fellows, Postgraduate Students and Young Scientists", co-financed by the European Social Fund under the Operational Program "Development of Human Resources"
- Mentor of the Fellowship Program for medical students and postgraduate doctors of Roma origin (2010 to 2016, 2021, and 2022).
- 311 scientific items (`1 dissertation, 1 monograph, 9 chapters in 5 textbooks/books for specialized doctors, 132 scientific papers and 168 published abstracts). More than citations 300 of her works.
- Scientific supervisor of 6 PhD students (four successfully defended) and scientific consultant of 2.
- Participation (participant or leader) in national research projects funded by the Ministry of Education (2), international (2), funded by MU- Varna (3).
- Reviewer of scientific projects and articles for scientific journals Pediatrics, Journal of Biomedical and Clinical Research, Scripta Scientifica Medica, Proceedings of the Problems of the Mentally Handicapped.
- Member of the Scientific Jury as a reviewer for the becoming PhD; "Doctor of Science", "Associate Professor", "Professor ".
Scientific interests
- Population-based diagnostic studies in neurogenetics,
- Genetic counseling and testing for infertility and cancer,
- Screening tests in the field of genetic prevention in pregnancy
Expert activity
- Chairman of the Working Group on the implementation of two National Programmes of the Ministry of Health in the field of hereditary diseases and rare diseases 2003-2005; 2009-2013.
- Member of the Expert Council on Medical Specialty "Medical Genetics", Ministry of Health, (2019-
- Member of the Program Council of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Medical University Varna 2013-2014
- Chairman of the Committee for conducting an examination in Biology for all majors and faculties of MU Varna 2006, 2007, 2010, 2012.