Born on 30.10.1987 in the city of Varna.
Graduated First Language High School - Varna in 2006 with intense study of German and English language.
In the period from 2006 to 2012 completed his university education at Medical University "Prof. Dr. Paraskev Stoyanov" Varna
In 2013 Evgeni Neshkinski, MD begins his residency in ophthalmology at Medical University "Prof. Dr. Paraskev Stoyanov" Varna and Specialized Hospital for Eye Diseases for Active Treatment - Varna.
In 2017 acquires a specialty in ophthalmology.
In 2019 Evgeni Neshkinski, MD started working as a specialist in ophthalmology at the Specialized Hospital for Eye Diseases for Active Treatment (SBOBAL) - Varna.
From 20.04.2014 is a full-time assistant in the Department of Eye Diseases and Vision Sciences at the Medical University - Varna, teaching students from the specialties of medicine, dentistry, medical optics, optometry, nursing and obstetrics.
In 2019 he becames head assistant in the Department of Eye Diseases and Visual Sciences at the Medical University of Varna, expanding his teaching activities.
During his specialization in 2014 he has started a PhD study, with the topic "Screening of ultraviolet damage with autofluorescence photography: technology, approach and results". After developing this innovative method for the early diagnosis of changes on the anterior ocular surface and publishing the results of the study, in 2019 Evgeni Neshkinski, MD acquires PhD degree.
In 05.2018 Evgeni Neshkinski, MD attended the exam of the European Board of Ophthalmology (EBO) in Paris, France and successfully obtained a FEBO degree.
During and after his specialization, he won grants for studies in Bulgaria and abroad, attending a number of additional qualification courses, some of which include:
2019 Course - Glaucoma surgery - Balkan Ophthalmic Wetlab Course - Sofia, Bulgaria
2019 Course - Modern application of OCT in ophthalmology - V. Tarnovo, Bulgaria
2019 Course - Intravitreal administration of medications
2019 Course - Lasers in Ophthalmology (Medical University-Varna and Eye hospital - Varna)
2019 Course - Fluorescein angiography and OCT (Medical University-Varna and Eye hospital - Varna)
2018 Course - Transplantation of cornea and sclera (Medical University-Varna and Eye hospital - Varna)
2018 Course - Collection and transportation of cornea and sclera (Medical University-Varna and Eye hospital - Varna)
2018 Course - Processing, storage, transportation and distribution of cornea and sclera (Medical University-Varna and Eye hospital - Varna)
2017 Course - Eye transplantation (Medical University-Varna and Eye hospital - Varna)
2017 Course - Amniotic membrane (Medical University-Varna and Eye hospital - Varna)
2016 Course - Aesthetic medicine (Medical University-Varna and Eye hospital - Varna)
2015 9th European Glaucoma Graduate Course - European Glaucoma Society (EGS) Geneva, Switzerland
2014 European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery - ESCRS, London (UK)