Medical University
"Prof. Dr. Paraskev Stoyanov"-Varna is one of the most dynamically
developing and high-tech universities in Bulgaria, which sets as one of its
main priorities the continuous quality improvement of student training.
Varna Medical University is the first and only University in the country which in 2008 introduced EFQM® модел за Business Excellence
of the European Foundation for Quality Management. According to the
prestigious evaluation of the world academic ranking system
Webometrics in 2014 our University took the leading position ahead of the other medical universities in Bulgaria.
is a University with more than half a century of history and tradition,
but it constantly strives to be in line with the dynamics and global
requirements in education and to meet the modern needs of its numerous
Bulgarian and international students. In pursuance of this main
objective, MU - Varna introduces new methods and techniques of teaching.
At the beginning of the academic year 2014-2015 a Platform for additional electronic distance learning - Blackboard
was launched, which has a wide range of interactive training materials,
assisting the process of acquisition of the material taught. Thus the
classic, static and passive way of teaching is being transformed into a
modern, innovative, dynamic, interactive and attractive to students
learning model.
of the most advanced technologies for current assessment of the level
of acquisition of the lectures taught has been introduced, the so-called
Turning Point Technology.
Students have the opportunity to study human anatomy through interactive methods and 3D technology.
Virtual microscopy allows them to observe microscopic preparations with
maximum image quality. Following the tendency of integrating clinical
into preclinical training, in 2015 second year medical students are
about to introduce simulations in clinical medical disciplines.
In its pursuit of higher quality student training, the University is also working actively for competence enhancement of its academic staff.
Within the framework of awarded projects under European Programmes, the
academic staff of Varna Medical University take a variety of language,
pedagogical and other qualification training courses, conducted by
leading experts from Bulgaria and abroad.
great deal of the investments of Medical University - Varna are also
directed to modernizing lecture halls and laboratories, purchasing new
facilities and equipment, computerized microscope rooms, virtual
microscopy, interactive boards ...
The investments and activities
aimed at quality improvement encompass not only students and academic
staff, but also young people who have decided to embark upon a career in
science. Through the Doctoral School MU-Varna supports and guides the quality development of the research activities of young scientists.
Accreditation of Medical university Varna