The museum of anatomy is located on the third floor in the main building of Varna Medical
University and in first seminar hall of the Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology.
museum consists of 422 anatomical preparations, presented in glass
showcases. The exposition in first seminar hall consists of dry
anatomical preparations of the bone and joint systems. This part of the
exhibition presents individual bones and joints, a complete skeleton of
an adult, newborn and skeletons of human fetuses in the sequence of the
fetal development.

The museum collection of the corridor on the 3rd
floor consists of both from dry preparations and preparations made by
special methods. Some of them are exposed in special вани filled with a
fixing solution, others show the arterial and venous vessels colored
with latex. Particularly interesting are the exhibits, prepared by
corrosive technology and those of the brain prepared by glycerine

A lot of names stand behind the half a century old
collection and storage of the museum - Prof. V. Vankov and Dr. M.
Hristova, Dr. G. Gyurov, Dr. M. Madzharova, Dr. V. Radeva, Dr. G.
Marinov, Dr. Z. Nanov, Dr. S. Nikolov, Dr. R. Mesut, Dr. N. Stoynov,
senior analyst K. Petrov, Dr. M. Gabrovska, Dr. A. Petrova, Dr. M.
Minkov, Dr. S. Dyankova and etc. The graphical design of the museum
exposition was made by Dr. Savka Bakardzhieva.
Stored more than 50
years preparations are extremely demonstrative today and they are a
valuable aid for all students and faculty of the University.