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Academic Ombudsman

The Academic Ombudsman supports, assists and advocates the rights of the University academic staff and employees, facilitates the favourable settlement of disputes not only within the University, but also with third parties and institutions.
​The Academic Ombudsman is elected by the General Assembly of the University for a period until the end of the term of office of the General Assembly which has elected him/her.
The Academic Ombudsman shall be a habilitated person with at least ten consecutive years of service at the University.
The Academic Ombudsman shall perform his/her activities in accordance with the laws, the present regulations and rules adopted by the Academic Council.
​By decision of the General Assembly under Protocol 1 of 7 March 2024, Prof. Dr. Zlatislav Stoyanov, DSc was elected the first Academic Ombudsman at Medical University "Prof. Dr. Paraskev Stoyanov"-Varna, for a term of office 2024-2028.

​​Prof. Zlatislav Stoyanov, MD, PhD, DSc​