Higher education:
Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", Major "Molecular and functional biology", specialization "Biochemistry", 1985;
Medical University "Prof. Dr. Paraskev Stoyanov" – Varna, Major "Health Management", 2013
Scientific degrees obtained and academic positions held:
Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia - Educational and scientific degree "Doctor" - 1990
Academic title "Docent" – 2007
Academic title "Professor" - 2013
In 2013, Prof. Ivanova defended a dissertation for the award of a scientific degree "Doctor of Biological Sciences" at Medical University "Prof. Dr. Paraskev Stoyanov" – Varna.
Areas of professional interest:
The main scientific interests are in the field of oxidative status in various physiological and pathological conditions and antioxidant protection, nutrigenomics and metabolic adaptation, biochemistry of nutrition and related socially significant diseases, molecular biology; health management, research management, modern approaches in biochemistry education.
Professional Memberships:
NuGO - European Association for Nutrigenomics, Coordinator for Bulgaria, since 2007 - Member of the Executive Board;
Association of Biochemical Departments in Bulgaria, since 2010, Secretary;
Union of Scientists in Bulgaria - Section of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Molecular Biology (member of FEBS), since 2001; Union of Scientists Varna, since 1992;
Higher Pharmacy Council at the Ministry of Health, Member since 2015
Specializations and work abroad:
Erasmus+: October 17–20, 2016, lecturer (Nutrigenomics, 8 hours) at the Medical University of Silesia, Poland;
Erasmus +: Training - cooperation, sharing of experience, transfer of information, knowledge and competences, Medical University - Gdansk, Poland, 2015;
Research Management - Norwegian Graduate School of Sports Science in Oslo, Norway, 2010.
NuGO (European Nutrigenomics Association) - development of a joint project for the establishment of the Center for Nutrigenomics at the University of Varna, with the University of Wageninen, the Netherlands, 2008;
International Institute of Education (IIE), USA: scholarship to participate in the ACA (Association for Academic Cooperation) International Meeting "International Campus" in Budapest, Hungary, 2004;
Summer School of Free Radicals (SFRR and IUBMB), Istanbul, Turkey scholarship from IUBMB, 2002;
Specialized Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, USA Scholarship under the Scientific Exchange Program of the University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, USA (two-year specialization), (1999-2001)
Teaching biochemistry to medical students at the Department of Biochemistry, University of Dundee, UK (1999)
Specialization in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the Genetics Center of the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden; Visiting researcher, grant from the Swedish Research Institute (1998-1999)
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, Faculty of Biology, Department of Cell Physiology and Immunology – PhD programme (1986-1990)
Research activity
DNA and RNA analysis, gene expression, genotyping; In vitro transcription-translation; Isolation, purification and characterization of proteins (ion exchange and affinity chromatography; SDS-PAGE, IEF, Western blotting, sucrose gradient purification, immunochemical analyses, conventional chromatography, enzyme analyses, including radioactive labelling; methods for detection of free radicals, lipid oxidation products and determination of antioxidant capacity (spectrophotometric, fluorescent, chemiluminescent); cell culture and cell transfection; Mmicrobiological and phytopathological techniques for the isolation and cultivation of microorganisms; experimental work with bacteria, yeasts, phytopathogenic fungi, plants, experimental animals and humans.
Participation in contracts, projects, programs
Project agreement No. 18036, "Science" Fund at the Medical University - Varna, "Identification of biomarkers in saliva for assessing the risk profile of gingival health in childhood", (Project coordinator)
Project agreement ДН13/9 of 15.12.2017, Competition financed by BNSF of the MOS, "Cyanoprokaryotes - a new potential risk factor for malignant diseases in Bulgaria?", (Coordinator for MUV; Project coordinator Assoc. Prof. Dr. B. Uzunov)
Project agreement КП-06-ОПР03/18 от 19.12.2018. „Algotoxins - a new risk factor for the quality of life and health of people in Bulgaria?" (Coordinator for MUV; Project coordinator Prof. Dr. H. Gagov)
Project agreement DNTS/France 01/11 of 09.05.2017, Projects under bilateral cooperation programs 2016 Bulgaria - University Agency of the Francophonie, " Autoimmune response against innate immune proteins in plasma", (Researcher, Project coordinator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Maria A. Radanova)
Project agreement ДН01/12, from 16.12.2016 Title: "Study of the molecular mechanisms of action of sulfur-containing mineral waters from the Varna basin on human metabolism with a view to their use as a medicinal and drinking remedies" (Project coordinator)
Project agreement No. 17002, "Science" Fund - 2017 of Medical University - Varna, "Vitamin K-dependent GLA-proteins - new biomarkers for cardiovascular calcification", (Researcher; Project coordinator Prof. Dr. B. Kalcheva Galunska)
Project agreement No. 17015, "Science" Fund - 2017 of Medical University -Varna, "Study of the effects of sulfur-containing mineral waters on the metabolism of sulfur in humans", (Researcher, Project coordinator Assoc. Prof. Dr. M. Nashar)
Project BG05M2OP001-2.002-0001 "Student internships - Phase 1" of the MES, financed by OP NOIR 2014-2020 and co-financed by the EU (Academic mentor)
Project agreement: No. 16020, "Medical Science" Fund - 2016 of MUV, "Study of the gene expression of some little-studied proteins and micro RNAs with a view to their application as molecular markers in patients with colorectal carcinoma", (Researcher, Project coordinator Asst. Prof. Oskan Tasinov, DB)
Project agreement: No. 14013, "Medical Science" Fund - 2015 of MUV, "Exploring the therapeutic potential of black mulberry wood as a resource for the pharmaceutical industry", (Project coordinator)
Project agreement: FP7-KBBE-2011-5, NutriTech, FP7 Programme of the European Commission, 2012-2016, "Application of new technologies and methods in nutrition science - exploring the concept of phenotypic plasticity", (Project coordinator for MUV, Project coordinator Dr. Ben van Oomen, Netherlands,)
Project agreement: ДКОФ7РП02/1 from 12.12.2012, FP7 National Co-funding Programme, "Application of new technologies and methods in nutrition research – the example of phenotypic flexibility" (Project coordinator)
Project BG051PO001-3.1.07-0046, OP "Human Resources Development" - 2012 of the EU, "Updating and testing the curricula and programs of the Faculty of Pharmacy at the Medical University - Varna in accordance with the needs of the pharmaceutical industry and the requirements of the labor market", (Project coordinator Prof. Dr. A. Kerekovska)
Project BG051PO001-3.1.09-0013, OP "Development of human resources" - 2012 of the EU, "Creation of a modern system for career development of academic staff at Medical University "Prof. Dr. Paraskev Stoyanov" - Varna", (Project coordinator Prof. Dr. Kr. Ivanov)
Project agreement: ДКОФ7РП02/13 from 05.07.2010, COST National Co-funding Programme, "Adipose tissue: A Key Target for Prevention of the Metabolic Syndrome" (Project coordinator)
COST Action BM0602, Programme COST, 2007 – 2011, European Commission, "Adipose Tissue: A Key Target for Prevention of the Metabolic Syndrome" (MC Member for Bulgaria, Project coordinator: Prof. Dr. J. Eckel)
Project agreement: 09/2012, Fund " Medical Science " – 2012, Medical University – Varna, „Investigation of the effects of aqueous extract of the leaves and aqueous-alcoholic extract from the wood of sumac (Cotinus coggygria) in experimental models of liver toxicity, ulcerogenesis and inflammation in rats", (Project coordinator)
Project agreement: № 16020, Fund "Medical Science" – 2016, MUV, „Exploration of gene expression of some poorly studied proteins and micro RNAs in view of their application as molecular markers in colorectal cancer patients" (Researcher, Project coordinator: Asst. Prof. Dr. O. Tasinov)
Project agreement: ВУ-Л-320/07 NSRF of the MES, "Study of the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetic activity of Bulgarian herbs as a potential resource for nutraceuticals", (Project coordinator)
Project agreement 2009-2010, "Medical Science" Fund at the MU - Varna, "Study of the relationship between some polymorphisms in the FTO, ADIPO Q and ADIPO R2 genes and the risk of high-grade obesity and metabolic syndrome in a representative sample of the Bulgarian population". (Project coordinator)
Project agreement ДО 02-17/13.12.2008, NSRF of MES, No. Rila-4/507, Joint project with the French National Reference Laboratory for the analysis of proteins from the complement system, "Relationship of mutations and polymorphisms in the genes for the C1q component of the complement system with Systemic Lupus Erythematodes" (Project coordinattor)
Scientific publications
Open access
Over 100 scientific papers in the field of metabolic changes in various physiological and pathological conditions, antioxidant protection, nutrigenomics and metabolic adaptation, biochemistry of nutrition and related socially significant diseases published; over 80 participations in scientific forums; 6 biochemistry study books for medical students issued.
Lecture courses in "Biochemistry" and in "Molecular Biology in Medicine" for the "Medicine" programs in Bulgarian and in English, new coursed in ""Methodology of Research" and "Scientific Projects and Programmes" for the "Technology Transfer and Innovations in Pharmacy" programme at MUV; courses in "Biochemistry and pathobiochemistry" for the "Assistant Pharmacist" and "Medical Laboratory Technician" at the Medical College of MUV.
Selected publications (
Fiamoncini J, Donado-Pestana CM, Duarte GBS, Rundle M, Thomas EL, Kiselova-Kaneva Y, Gundersen TE, Bunzel D, Trezzi JP, Kulling SE, Hiller K, Sonntag D, Ivanova D, Brennan L, Wopereis S, van Ommen B, Frost G, Bell J, Drevon CA, Daniel H. Plasma Metabolic Signatures of Healthy Overweight Subjects Challenged With an Oral Glucose Tolerance Test. Front Nutr. 2022 Jun 14; 9:898782. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2022.898782. PMID: 35774538; PMCID: PMC9237474.
Tasinov, O.; Dincheva, I.; Badjakov, I.; Kiselova-Kaneva, Y.; Galunska, B.; Nogueiras, R.; Ivanova, D. Phytochemical Composition, Anti-Inflammatory and ER Stress-Reducing Potential of Sambucus ebulus L. Fruit Extract. Plants 2021, 10, 2446.
Tasinov O, Kiselova-Kaneva Y, Ivanova D, Pasheva M, Vankova D, Ivanova D., Ferrum phosphoricum D12 Treatment Affects J774A.1 Cell Proliferation, Transcription Levels of Iron Metabolism, Antioxidant Defense, and Inflammation-related Genes. Homeopathy 2022; 111(02): 113-120; DOI: 10.1055/s-0041-1731312
Yaneva G, Ivanov D, Ivanova D. Ozone features in the context of advancing COVID-19 pandemic. J of IMAB. 2021 Oct-Dec;27(4):3999-4003. DOI: 10.5272/jimab.2021274.3999
Nazifova-Tasinova NF, Atanasov AA, Pasheva MG, Yotov YT, Gerova DI, Vankova DG, Todorova MN, Ivanova DG, Kiselova-Kaneva YD & Galunska BT (2020) Circulating uncarboxylated matrix Gla protein in patients with atrial fibrillation or heart failure with preserved ejection fraction, Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry, DOI: 10.1080/13813455.2020.1786130
Olczyk P, Komosinska-Vassev K, Krzyminiewski R, Kasperczyk J, Ramos P, Dobosz B, Batoryna O, Stojko J, Stojko M, Ivanova D, Olczyk K, Pilawa B, "The Estimation of Blood Paramagnetic Center Changes during Burns Management with Biodegradable Propolis-Nanofiber Dressing", Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, vol. 2020, Article ID 3675603, 9 pages, 2020.
Angelova S., Salim A., Kiselova-Kaneva Y., Ivanova D., Peev S. (2019). Association of mRNA Levels of IL6, MMP-8, GSS in Saliva and Pyelonephritis in Children. Molecules 2020, 25 (1), 85.
Jura-Półtorak A., Olczyk P., Chałas-Lipka A., Komosińska-Vassev K., Kuźnik-Trocha K., Winsz-Szczotka K., Ivanova D., Kiselova-Kaneva Y., Krysik K., Telega A. & Olczyk K. (2019). Urinary sulphated glycosaminoglycans excretion in obese patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus treated with metformin. Archives in Physiology and Biochemistry, 1-7.
Vankova D., Pasheva M., Kiselova-Kaneva Y., Ivanov D., Ivanova D. (2019). Mechanisms of cyanotoxin toxicity – cancerogenicity and anticancer potential. Medical Toxicology, ISBN 978-1-83880-278-3, Publisher: InTechOpen (chapter).
Sokrateva T., Roussev B., Nashar M., Kiselova-Kaneva Y., Mihaylova G., Todorova M., Pasheva M., Tasinov O., Nazifova-Tasinova N., Vanova D., Ivanova D.P., Radanova M., Galunska B., Vlaykova T., Ivanova D.G. (2019). Effects of sulfur-containing mineral water intake on oxidative status and markers for inflammation in healthy subjects. Archives in Physiology and Biochemistry, DOI: 10.1080/13813455.2019.1638416.
Wilczyński S., Koprowski R., Stolecka-Warzecha A., Duda P., Deda A., Ivanova D., Kiselova-Kaneva Y., Błońska-Fajfrowska B. (2019). The use of microtomographic imaging in the identification of counterfeit medicines. Talanta, V195, 870-875.
Nashar M., Kiselova-Kaneva Y., Ivanova D. (2019). Antidiabetic potential of plants used in Bulgarian folk medicine and traditional diet. Nutrition in Health and Disease, ISBN 978-1-78984-008-7. Publisher: IntechOpen (chapter) DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.85445.
Todorova M., Kiselova-Kaneva Y., Potoroko I, Kalinina I, Galunska B. (2019). Antioxidant activity of taxifolin derived from larch: synergistic studies. Bulgarian Chemical Communications, V 51 (A): 172-176.
Roussev B., Sokrateva T., Nashar M., Radanova M., Komosinska-Vassev K., Olczyk P., Potoroko I Y, Ivanova D. (2019). Effects of sulfur-containing mineral water on the renal function: a human interventional study. Compt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sci. T 72, No 11, DOI:10.7546/CRABS.2019.11.16
Komosinska-Vassev K., Olczyk P., Kasperczyk J., Pilawa B., Krzyminiewski R., Dobosz B., Ramos P., Stojko J., Stojko M., Ivanova D., Olczyk K. (2019). EPR spectroscopic examination of different types of paramagnetic centers in the blood in the course of burn healing. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity. DOI: 10.1155/2019/7506274.
Kalinina I., Potoroko I., Fatkullin R., Ivanova D., Kaneva-Kiselova Y., Sonawane S. (2019). Improvement in biological activity of dihydroquerecetin by means of ultrasound micronization, Технология и товароведение инновационных пищевых продуктов 143 (144), 291-296.
Fiamoncini J, Rundle M, Gibbons H, Thomas E.L, Geillinger-Kästle K, Bunzel D, Trezzi J, Kiselova-Kaneva Y Wopereis S, Wahrheit J, Kulling SE, Hiller K, Sonntag D, Ivanova D, van Ommen B, Frost G, Brennan L, Bell J, Daniel H. (2018). Plasma metabolome analysis identifies distinct human metabotypes in the postprandial state with different susceptibility
Synowiec-Wojtarowicz A, Kiselova Y, Ivanov D, Ivanova D, Bialik W, Kimsa-Dudek M, Pawłowska–Góral K. 2018. Effects of polyphenol supplementation to in vitro antioxidant potential of citrus juices. Scripta Scientifica Pharmaceutica, 5 (1), 28-32.
Pasheva M, Nashar M, Ivanov D, Ivanova D. (2018). Traditional usage of heartwood from different arboreal species in inland and coastal regions of Bulgaria. Acta zool. bulg., Suppl. 11: 99-104.
Text books for students:
Ivanova D, Galunska B, Nashar M, Radanova M, Kiselova-Kaneva Y. 2016. Tasks and practical exercises in biochemistry. A Guide for Medical Students. Second revised and supplemented edition, "Helix Press" - Varna, p. 180. ISBN 978-619-7147-14-8.
Ivanova D, Kiselova-Kaneva Y, Galunska B, Nashar M, Vankova D. 2015. A handbook of biochemistry. Review study questions and laboratory manuals - a clinical approach. Publ. Ris Varna Ltd., p. 174, ISBN 978-954-8165-18-1.
Galunska B., Ivanova D., Vankova D., Tasinov O. (2012). A Guide to Biochemistry for Dental Students. Ed. Medical University "Prof. Dr. Paraskev Stoyanov", Varna, p. 128. ISBN 978-954-9685-67-1.
Ivanova D., Galunska B., Nazifova N., Kiselova-Keneva Y. Tasks and practical exercises in biochemistry. A Guide for Pharmacy Students. (2012). Ed. Medical University "Prof. Dr. Paraskev Stoyanov" - Varna, p. - 164. ISBN 978-954-9685-74-9.
Ivanova D., Galunska B., Nashar M., Pavlov D. (2011). PROBLEMS AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES IN BIOCHEMISTRY, A Guide for Medical Students. Ed. Medical University "Prof. Dr. P. Stoyanov" Varna, p.– 164. ISBN 978-954-9685-59-6.
Ivanova D. (2003). A Basic Course in Molecular Biology in Medicine, A Guide for Medical Students. Ed. Medical University "Prof. Dr. P. Stoyanov" Varna, village-111. ISBN 954-9685-19-5.