Plovdiv University "Paisii Hilendarski", Biology with specialization in Genetics and Cell biology, 1999
Research degrees and academic positions:
Medical University – Varna: PhD - 2011; Academic position Associate Professor – 2013
Fields of professional interest
Nutrigenomics and personalized nutrition, molecular markers, functional foods
Specializations and Courses
"Basics in stem cell transplantation", 10.10.2016-04.11.2016, Medical University – Varna
Specialization in the frame of COST Action BM0602 „Adipose Tissue: A Key Target for Prevention of the Metabolic Syndrome", May 11-22, 2009, University of Liverpool, School of Clinical Sciences, Obesity Biology Research Unit, Liverpool, UK
Advanced FEBS course "Mechanisms, consequences and detection of free radical-mediated oxidative protein modifications", April 15-20, 2009, Antalya, Turkey
Summer school "Identification of Proteins and post-translational modifications by mass spectrometry", August 24–29, 2008, Brussels, Belgium, in the frame of COST Action BM0602: Adipose Tissue: A Key Target for Prevention of the Metabolic Syndrome
Short specialization in Faculty of Pharmacy, "Ovidius" University, 20.11–1.12. 2006 Constanta, Romania
Summer FEBS school "Free radicals and diseases: gene expression, cellular metabolism and pathophysiology", 20.09–1.10, 2004, Spetses, Greece
Participation in Programs and Projects
International funding
7th FW of the European Commission,
Call and year: FP7-KBBE-2011-5
Title: „Application of new technologies and methods in nutrition research – investigation of the concept of phenotypic flexibility (NutriTech)"
Project Leader: Prof. Ben van Ommen, PhD, The Netherlands
Duration: 2012-2016
Type of participation: Researcher
National funding (National Scientific Fund)
„Study of the molecular mechanisms of action of sulfur-containing mineral waters from the Varna basin on human metabolism with a respect to their use as medicinal and drinking means "
Project Leader: Prof. Diana Ivanova, DSc
Duration: 2016-2020
Type of participation: Researcher
„Autoimmune response against a plasma protein of the innate immune system "
Project Leader: Assoc. Prof. Maria Radanova, PhD
Duration: 2017-2019
Type of participation: Researcher
„Cyanoprokaryotes - a new potential risk factor for malignant diseases in Bulgaria?"
Project Leader: Assoc. Prof. Blagoy Uzunov, PhD
Duration: 2017-2020
Type of participation: Researcher
„Algotoxins – a new risk factor for the quality of life and health of people in Bulgaria?"
Project Leader: Prof. Hristo Gagov, DSc
Duration: 2018-2021
Type of participation: Researcher
„Study of adaptogenic potential of Sambucus ebulus fruits with a view to their use as a functional food "
Project Leader: Assoc. Prof. Yoana Kiselova-Kaneva, PhD
Duration: 2018-2023
Type of participation: Project Leader
„Expression profiling of non-coding RNAs in colorectal carcinoma "
Project Leader: Assoc. Prof. Maria Radanova, PhD
Duration: 2018-2021
Type of participation: Researcher
"Science" Fund, Medical University – Varna
№ 16020 -„ Study of the gene expression of some poorly studied proteins and micro RNAs with a view to their application as molecular markers in patients with colorectal cancer"
Project Leader: Prof. Assist. Oskan Tasinov, PhD
Duration: 2017-2018
Type of participation: Researcher
№ 17020 - „Obtaining an extract rich in anthocyanins from elderberries (Sambucus ebulus) and characterization of its biological activity in connection with the establishment of adaptogenic potential with a respect to its use as a raw material in the production of food and medicinal products
Project Leader: Assoc. Prof. Yoana Kiselova-Kaneva, PhD
Duration: 2018-2019
Type of participation: Project Leader
№17002 - „ Vitamin K-dependent GLA-proteins – new biomarkers for cardiovascular calcification "
Project Leader: Prof. Bistra Galunska-Kalcheva, PhD
Duration: 2018-2020
Type of participation: Researcher
№18036 - „ Identification of salivary biomarkers to assess the risk profile of childhood gingival health "
Project Leader: Prof. Diana Ivanova, DSc
Duration: 2018-2021
Type of participation: Researcher
№18027 - „ Lipid nanoparticles - a modern technological approach to incorporate hyperforin with improved chemical stability into dosage forms for topical application and accelerated wound healing "
Project Leader: Assoc. Prof. Velichka Andonova, PhD
Duration: 2018-2021
Type of participation: Researcher
№18030 - „ Tissue and serum expression of Nrf2, NF-κB, HO-1, 4-HNE and their potential as biomarkers of endothelial dysfunction in an experimental model of metabolic syndrome "
Project Leader: Prof. Ganka Bekyarova, DSc
Duration: 2019-2020
Type of participation: Researcher
№18034 - „ Improving the infrastructure of the Center for Translational Medicine and Cell Therapy and creating the first bank for corneal tissue and sclera outside of Sofia "
Project Leader: Assoc. Prof. Yoana Kiselova-Kaneva,
Duration: 2019-2020
Type of participation: Project Leader
№ 18018 - „ Determination of biological activity and antioxidant properties of newly synthesized bexarotene analogues "
Project Leader: Assoc. Prof. Svetlana Fotkova, PhD
Duration: 2018-2019
Type of participation: Researcher
№ 19034 - „ Study of plasma levels and expression of leptin and adiponectin to evaluate their applicability as molecular biomarkers in colorectal carcinoma"
Project Leader: Assoc. Prof. Yoana Kiselova-Kaneva, PhD
Duration: 2019-2022
Type of participation: Project Leader
Ivanova D, Galunska B, Nazifova-Tasinova N, Kiselova-Kaneva Y. (2012). Tasks and practical exercises in biochemistry. A Guide for Pharmacy Students. Medical University "Prof. D-r Paraskev Stoyanov", Varna. p - 164. ISBN 978-954-9685-74-9.
Ivanova D., Kiselova-Kaneva Y., Galunska B., Nashar M., Vankova D. (2015). A Handbook of biochemistry. Review study questions and laboratory manuals – a clinical approach. ISBN 978-954-8165-18-1.
Scientific publications
Open Access
Research activities
The effect of some natural products, diets and nutritional habits on selected biochemical and molecular markers is investigated by applying different model systems. The research activity includes the application of in vitro and in vivo analysis methods for the purpose of selection and screening of natural products for the presence of specific biological activity - antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, antidiabetic, etc. The obtained results are relevant for the application of the studied products as means for the prevention and treatment of diseases and as raw materials for the production of food and medicinal products. Qualitative and quantitative analyzes of biologically active substances, cytotoxicity analyses, study of molecular mechanisms of biological activity in in vitro experiments, including on cell cultures and in vivo on experimental animals, are carried out. Interventional studies involving healthy volunteers and those with compromised health status are being conducted,
Assoc. Prof. Yoana Kiselova-Kaneva has more than 65 publications and more than 60 participations in Bulgarian and international scientific congresses.
Scientific interests: oxidative stress and related diseases, antioxidants, biological activity of medicinal plants
Selected Publications:
1. Hristova M, Tasinov O., Tzaneva M., Chivchibashi D., Kiselova-Kaneva Y., Bekyarova G., 2022. Effect of melatonin on gastric antioxidant defense in experimental burn trauma. Veterinarni Medicina 67(7), 379-396. (IF: 0.565, Q3)
2. Tasinov O., Dincheva I., Badjakov I., Kiselova-Kaneva Y., Galunska B., Nogueiras R. and Ivanova D., 2021. Phytochemical composition, anti-Inflammatory and ER stress-reducing potential of Sambucus ebulus L. fruit extract. Plants, 10 (11):2446. (IF: 3.935, Q1)
- Tasinov O., Kiselova-Kaneva Y., Ivanova D., Pasheva M., Vankova D. and Ivanova D., 2021. Ferrum phosphoricum D12 Treatment Affects J774A.1 Cell Proliferation, Transcription Levels of Iron Metabolism, Antioxidant Defense, and Inflammation-related Genes. Homeopathy, online. (IF:1.444, Q2)
4. Sokrateva T., Roussev B., Nashar M., Kiselova-Kaneva Y., Mihaylova G., Todorova M., Pasheva M., Tasinov O., Nazifova-Tasinova N., Vankova D., Ivanova D.P., Radanova M., Galunska B., Vlaykova T., Ivanova D.G. 2019. Effects of sulphur-containing mineral water intake on oxidative status and markers for inflammation in healthy subjects. Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry, (IF:2.11 (2018), Q2) DOI: 10.1080/13813455.2019.1638416.
5. Hristova M, Tzaneva M, Bekyarova G, Chivchibashi D, Stefanova N, Kiselova-Kaneva Y. 2018. Molecular Mechanisms of Melatonin Protection from Gastric Mucosal Apoptotic Injury in Experimental Burns. Molecules, 23, 4, 749 (IF: 2.861)
6. Fiamoncini J, Rundle M, Gibbons H, Thomas E.L, Geillinger-Kästle K, Bunzel D, Trezzi J, Kiselova-Kaneva Y et al. 2018. Plasma metabolome analysis identifies distinct human metabotypes in the postprandial state with different susceptibility to weight loss–mediated metabolic improvements. The FASEB Journal, in press. (IF: 5.498)
7. M.N. Todorova, M. G. Pasheva, Y. D. Kiselova-Kaneva, D. G. Ivanova, B. Tz. Galunska. Phenolics content and antioxidant activity of beverages on the Bulgarian market – wines, juices and compotes. Bulgarian Chemical Communications, 2018;50:164 – 168, Special Issue C (IF 0.349).
8. Ivanova D, Tasinov O, Kiselova-Kaneva Y. 2014. Improved lipid profile and increased serum antioxidant capacity in healthy volunteers after Sambucus ebulus L. fruit infusion consumption. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, V 65(6): 740-744. (IF: 1.206)
9. Ivanova D., Tasinov O., Kiselova-Kaneva Y. 2014. Improved lipid profile and increased serum antioxidant capacity in healthy volunteers after Sambucus ebulus L. fruit infusion consumption. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, V 65(6), 740-744. (IF:1,26).
10. Kiselova Y., Ivanova D., Chervenkov T., Gerova D., Galunska B., Yankova T. (2006). Correlation between the in vitro antioxidant activity and polyphenol content of aqueous extracts from Bulgarian herbs. Phytother Res, 20, 11, 961-965.
Kiselova-Kaneva, Y. (2013). Biological effects of oxidative stress and herbs as countermeasures. Antida, 2013, ISBN 978-619-90019-3-6. (in Bulgarian)