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Important information


Form of education: Distance training organization of the program. The training would be organized in 3 e-based distance format modules of training, as the first module would be offered in December 2023.

Length of the program: 1,5 years

Application: based on documents from previous educational degree

Deadlines for submitting documents: from December 15, 2023 to December 19, 2023

Who is eligible to apply?
The programme is suitable for everyone with a Master's degree in:

  • Biological Sciences, Engineering and others

Or a Bachelor degree with at least 240 credits

Period for application / Deadline: : from December 15, 2023 to December 19, 2023

Beginning of the program: December 28, 2023

Annual Tuition Fee – Tuition fees are annually determined by the University Academic Council. Reasonable and affordable fees are a part of our university policy. The fee covers training, evaluation, tutoring and defense of the Master thesis. It does not include accommodation costs and textbook expenditures.

Additional information:

Prof. Teodora Todorova Dimitrova, MD, PhD
052/ 677 166; e-mail: and e-mail:
