1. Cooperation with international organisations
- Establishing contacts with foreign educational and research institutions, agencies, funds, etc.;
- Establishment and maintenance of contacts with governmental and nongovernmental organisations, international institutions, associations, foundations and agencies related to the international activities of Varna Medical University;
- Active seeking and dissemination of information about possibilities for partnerships and consortia for various international programs and initiatives
2. Cooperation with foreign universities
- Expanding and intensifying the international relations with and the possibilities for academic co-operation with foreign universities;
- Preparation and signing agreements for international cooperation and partnerships of Varna Medical University
- Organisation of the exchange of students, PhD students and postgraduates, academic and administrative staff within the framework of bilateral agreements for academic cooperation.
3. Students, postgraduate and PhD students' recruitment, training and exchange
- Recruitment of foreign students, postgraduates and PhD students through advertising, information and organizational activities.
- Active collaboration with the other departments in the field of students' recruitment, training and postgraduate studies (specialisations and PhD) of foreign citizens in Varna Medical University;
- Organisation of summer schools, practices and clinical rotations of studentes, postgraduate and PhD students in the teaching facilities of partner universities
4. Academic staff international cooperation and exchange
- Providing support and expertise to the academic staff of the departments for the establishment of international cooperation and partnerships in the field of academic training, scientific research and exchange;
- Assistance to the university staff and University departments in fulfilling the activities within the frameworks of bilateral agreements for academic cooperation.
5. ERASMUS programme
- Overall organisation and coordination of the mobility of students, postgraduates, PhD students, academic and administrative staff in partner universities within ERASMUS program
6. Promoting the international repute of the University
- Organisation of international fora – scientific conferences, congresses, symposia and anniversaries;
- Presentation of Varna Medical University at international fora, exhibitions and university fairs aiming at attracting students and promoting the academic training at Varna Medical University;
- Maintenance of the representation and the active participation of the University in the international associations whose member it is;
- Organisation of guest-lecturers' visits from abroad;
- Participation in the ceremonies for the doctor honoris causa awarding;
- Maintenance of the information updated in the English version of the University's website;
- Initiation and participation in the development of advertising materials of MUV;
- Promotion of the international repute of Varna Medical University;