Outgoing Erasmus Students
from Medical University – Varna
The Erasmus+ programme offers the possibility for the students of MU-Varna to carry out a mobility period abroad at a
partner university.The programme of the study period abroad is a part of the students' study programme in MU-Varna.
The medical students from MU-Varna are allowed to carry out a period of their practical training abroad:
- Summer internship after the 3rd or 4th year of academic studies (2 months)
- Pre-graduate state internship during the 6th year of academic studies (2 - 9 months, one or more state internships)
Due to the specific character of the training in medicine at MU-Varna, the students are not allowed to carry out semester training abroad in the framework of the Erasmus+ programme.
The application procedure for outgoing Erasmus students is administered during the first semester of each academic year (November-December). The students apply for mobilities carried out during the next academic year:
- For Erasmus summer internship after the 3rd or 4th year of academic studies – the students apply in the 1st semester of the 2nd or 3rd year of academic studies;
- For Erasmus pre-graduate state internship during the 6th year of academic studies – the students apply in the 1st semester of the 5th year of academic studies.
The duration of the mobility period is from a minimum of 2 months to a maximum of 9 months.
The students are entitled to carry out Erasmus mobility more than once, provided that the total duration of the mobilities is 12 months for each study cycle (Bachelor, Master, Doctoral).
Eligible participants
All students registered in MU-Varna are allowed to participate in Erasmus+ programme.
Students carry out their mobility activity in an Erasmus Programme Country different from the country of the sending organization and different from their country of residence.
The applicants should have an average grade (GPA) as of the time of application minimum 4.50. The applicants must have taken all their exams till the time of application.
The applicants should have a language certificate for minimum B1 for the language required in the receiving university.
Application procedure in MU-Varna (sending/home university)
The application procedure for outgoing Erasmus students is held during the first semester of each academic year (November-December). The students apply for mobilities carried out during the next academic year.
On the web-site of MU-Varna (
http://www.mu-varna.bg/ ) and on the information board of the Department of International Relations we publish an announcement with the available mobility places, the required application documents and the application deadline.
Selection procedure
After the first application stage the students are invited to an interview in the language required in the receiving institution (February-March). The selection criteria include the academic performance of the candidate (GPA), previous mobility experience, motivation, experience in the receiving country, etc.
Higher priority is given to students without previous mobility experience and to students with shorter experience in the receiving country.
The final classification is announced on the web-site of MU-Varna and on the information board of the Department of International Relations.
Application in the receiving (host) university
After the final classification the Erasmus Coordinator of MU-Varna sends to the receiving university information (nomination) about the selected outgoing Erasmus students. The students receive information from the host university about the application process, documents, deadlines, housing, etc.
The outgoing Erasmus students complete the necessary application documents and submit them at the Erasmus office in MU-Varna to be signed, stamped and sent to the host university before the deadline. After receiving and considering the students' application documents, the host university sends a letter of acceptance to the student.
Before departure, a contract is signed between the outgoing Erasmus student and MU-Varna.
The students receive an EU grant as a contribution to their costs for travel and subsistence during the mobility period.
Mobility period
Before the start of the internship, the students receive a diary for the summer/pre-graduate internship from the Students' Office. The diary has to be filled in, signed and stamped in the receiving/host university during the Erasmus mobility period.
After their return to MU-Varna, the students submit the completed diary in the relevant department in order to receive recognition of the internship abroad.
Furthermore, the students submit documents to the Erasmus office in MU-Varna, issued from the receiving institution regarding the completed Erasmus mobility (Certificate for the Erasmus period, transcript of records, etc.).
For more information, please contact:
Svetlana Panayotova
Erasmus Office Coordinator
International Relations Department (room 209)
Medical University – Varna
55, Marin Drinov Str., 9002 Varna, Bulgaria
Tel. +359 52 677 020