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Project title/Contract number: Project BG05M2OP001-2.003-0001 "Student scholarships - Phase 1"

Project BG05M2OP001-2.003-0001 "Student Fellowships - Phase 1" is funded under the Operational Program "Science and Education for Smart Growth" 2014-2020, co-funded by the European Union through the European Structural and Investment Funds. The project is implemented under the priority axis "Education and Lifelong Learning" and has a total duration of 24 months (29.03.2016 - 29.03.2018). Within this period, four semesters are covered - the summer semester of 2015/2016, the winter semester and the summer semester of 2016/2017 and the winter semester of the 2017/2018 academic year. Beneficiary of the project is the Ministry of Education and Science, and all 51 higher education institutions in the Republic of Bulgaria established in compliance with the Higher Education Act are partners in the implementation of the project.

The students of the Medical University "Prof. Paraskev Stoyanov", the Medical College and the branches at the Medical University - Varna can apply for scholarships for special achievements in the field of science, pedagogy, innovation and entrepreneurship, art, culture and sport. brevity "scholarships for special achievements".

"Scholarships for Special Achievements" can be obtained by students trained in specialties from all professional fields who have developed or participated in activities in the fields of science, pedagogy, innovation and entrepreneurship, art, culture and sports.

The right to apply for scholarships for special achievement have the students in full-time education (subsidized or paid) who have passed all the exams on the curriculum until the beginning of the semester for which they apply and their average success in the previous semester is not lower than 4.00.