The ultimate goal of our academic institution is to
develop and produce high quality human resources, fully adaptable to the
standards and requirements of the enlarging European labor market.
The international cooperation and mobility are a
priority for the University’s management, its academic community and the
students. Therefore, we are constantly looking for new European partnerships,
ready to sign bilateral agreements for implementation of student and staff
mobilities. All members of our academic community have the right
and possibility to initiate a procedure for inter-institutional agreement on
the base of their professional relations.When choosing our strategic partnerships, we take into
account their geographical and subject area priorities as well as our
institutional capacity. We establish partnerships with universities and
hospitals not only from Europe but also with institutions all over the world.
An integral part of all our inter-institutional agreements is the student and
staff exchange, the transfer of information, knowledge, practical skills and
know-how.We are looking for partners with high scientific and
research achievements in the fields of Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Public
Health and other social sciences.Since 2003, when Medical University - Varna was first
awarded the Erasmus University Charter, our major priority has been to provide
incentives for students’ and staff mobility across Europe. We offer our
students and staff the opportunity to perform academic study visits and
training abroad, in recognized European academic institutions, and to have the
chance to enrich educationally, linguistically and culturally by studying in a
country different from their native one. The purpose is to benefit from the
experience gained in a partner European institution by transferring
information, knowledge, practical skills and know-how. All target groups will benefit from the future
mobility activities in our institution:Academic and non-academic staff – the staff mobility
enhances the competence and the motivation of teachers and researchers. Students – they adapt their specific knowledge and
practical skills to the European health care and medical requirements and
standards.A significant part of our institutional international
strategy is the establishment of joint master programmes with partner
institution from EU and non-EU countries. Our purpose is to improve the quality
and the relevance of higher education, to attract students, academics and
researchers from all over the world and to contribute to the progress of the
medical science and human health.The participation in European and international
cooperation projects is integrated in our institution’s modernization and internationalization
strategy. Medical University – Varna has a long experience in organization and
implementation of national and international projects and programs for
enhancing the quality of its educational, scientific and research activities.
The international cooperation between European medical institutions and our
university is essential, in order to participate in other major Programme
activities, such as: intensive programmes; multilateral projects for
development of new teaching plans and modernisation of higher education;
projects for virtual universities, and finally, the creation of thematic
networks, involving consortium of partner academic institutions, scientific
societies, professional organisations, and business partners from the public
and private sector. We are convinced that only through international
cooperation and partnership we can meet the challenges of the world
globalisation and fulfill our mission.Increasing higher education attainment levels is very
important for our institution, taking into account Europe’s graduates and
researchers needs and especially the lack of medical specialists in Bulgaria
and Europe. The participation in the Programme increases the competence and the
motivation of the teachers and researchers. The opportunity to obtain rich international
scientific experience attracts more students and researchers to the institution.
The participation in the Programme substantially improves the quality and the
relevance of the delivered higher education. The mobility participants adapt
their knowledge and skills to the international requirements and medical
standards. They share their valuable experience helping their colleagues, their
patients and hospitals. The mobility strengthens the cross-border co-operation between
Medical University – Varna and our international partners. It becomes a base
for further scientific and research collaboration.