Department of Postgraduate Education (DPE) at the Medical University of
Varna organizes, registers, conducts, supervises and coordinates the
training activities for the acquisition of specialities in the
Healthcare system.
The specialization
conducted for Bulgarian and foreign citizens is related to the
acquisition of a speciality included in the nomenclature of specialities
in the Healthcare system according to approved training programmes for a
definite period of time finishing with examinations at the State
Examination Commission.
postgraduate training includes activities for the acquisition of
professional qualification for performing highly specialized operations
in a particular area of Healthcare, as well as continuing education
after acquiring the right to perform a certain profession, including
implementation of courses, individual trainings, etc.
Postgraduate Education › Specializations
Commission at the Department of Postgraduate Education and the Training
Hospital Coordination (THC), which is appointed by order of the Rector,
admits to the Speciality State Examination only the candidates who have
completed the curricula.
Higher medical and non-medical
specialists who have successfully passed the Speciality State
Examination receive a certificate of a recognized speciality, signed by
the Rector of MU.
Higher medical and non-medical specialists who
have attended course or individual training receive a certificate issued
by the respective department and signed by the head of the department
and a certificate by the Vice-Rector or the Rector.
Frequently Asked Questions
When are the positions for specialization announced?
The Minister of Healthcare approves by order the number of postgraduate positions by 31st October of the current calendar year.
Who are these positions open for?
The positions are divided into different categories:
According to the higher education diploma:
The positions are open for doctors of medicine, doctors of dental
medicine, pharmacists, specialists from the field of Healthcare Services
and persons with non-medical education.
According to the Citizenship: Positions for Bulgarian citizens and positions for foreigners.
Where are these positions announced?
order is published оn the website of the Ministry of Healthcare, in the Section "Normative Acts" under the heading
of "Regulations, Instructions and Orders".
What does a position for a foreigner mean?
a position is awarded to a foreigner, the postgraduate pays a tuition
fee in an amount defined by a decree of the Council of Ministers. The
tuition fee amounts to € 5,000 a year. The fee shall be paid at the
beginning of the specialization for a period of six months and after
that at the beginning of each subsequent period of six months.
When can I apply for a position?
medical university announces competitions for the positions for
specialization within 3 months of the issue of the order of the
Minister. After the announcement of the competition the candidates can
apply for a position.
Where are the competitions announced by the university?
competitions are advertised in a central and a local daily newspaper
and on the website of MU-Varna, in the Section
"Postgraduate Education", under the heading of "Specializations".
When can I submit my documents?
After the announcement of the competition a one month's term is defined for the submission of documents.
What kind of documents shall be submitted?
the announcement of the competition, the documents which shall be
submitted in accordance with the enforceable regulatory requirements are
defined. The required documents are described as an enclosure in the
Application Form. The samples of application forms can be found on the
website of MU-Varna, in the Section "Postgraduate
Education" under the heading of "Specializations".
who meet the following requirements can apply for training for the
acquisition of a speciality in the Healthcare system:
Knowledge of Bulgarian language and of professional terminology in
Bulgarian language and recognized professional qualification in the
medical profession under the Act for the Recognition of Professional
Qualifications in the cases, according to article 186, paragraph 3,
point 2 of the Health Act or
Knowledge of Bulgarian language and of professional terminology in
Bulgarian language and having passed an examination successfully in the
cases described in article 186, para. 3, point 3, item "a" of the Health
Foreigners shall submit the following documents to the universities:
1. Application Form for the speciality they wish to acquire;
2. Curriculum Vitae;
3. Copy of a Diploma of completed higher education;
4. Medical Certificate issued within one month prior to the date of application;
certifying the knowledge of Bulgarian language and professional
terminology in Bulgarian in the cases according to article 186, para. 3
of the Health Act;
6.Certificate of
recognition of professional qualification or a Certificate of passing of
an examination, according to art. 186, para. 3, point 3, item "a" of
the Health Act.
The documents shall be legalized, translated and certified.
Where shall the documents be submitted?
documents shall be submitted in person or by proxy (with power of
attorney) at the Medical University - Varna, 55 Marin Drinov, str., 2nd
floor, room 206 in DPE.
For which positions shall be applied for by documents?
The application for the positions open for foreigners is done by documents.
Where is the ranking announced?
The ranking is announced on the boards in DPE and on the website of MU-Varna, in Section "Postgraduate Education", under the heading of "Specializations".
Where is the specialization carried out?
specialization is carried out at the place of the awarded position, in
the institution which carries out the practical training.
How is the specialization carried out?
practical training is carried out in a regular full-time form according
to the specifics of the activities in the respective speciality.
Nomenclature of specialties and terms of their acquisition in the Healthcare system |
Specialities included in Annexes 5.1.3, 5.1.4 and 5.3.3 of Directive
2005/36/EC on the Recognition of Professional Qualifications |
№ | Speciality | Term, Years |
I. | Specialities for persons with educational and qualification Master degree in Medicine | |
Iа. | Specialties with predominant therapeutic focus | |
1. | Anesthesiology and Intensive Care
| 4 |
2. | Internal Medicine | 5 |
3. | Gastroenterology | 4 |
4. | Geriatric Medicine | 4 |
5. | Child Psychiatry | 4 |
6. | Pediatrics | 4 |
7. | Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases | 4 |
8. | Infectious Diseases | 4 |
9. | Cardiology | 4 |
10. | Clinical Allergy | 4 |
11. | Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics | 4 |
12. | Clinical Haematology | 4 |
13. | Skin and Venereal Diseases | 4 |
14. | Radiotherapy | 4 |
15. | Nerve Diseases | 4 |
16. | Nephrology | 4 |
17. | General Medicine | 3 |
18. | Pneumology and phthisiatrics | 4 |
19. | Psychiatry | 4 |
20. | Rheumatology | 4 |
21. | Emergency Medicine | 5 |
22. | Haematology and Blood Transfusion | 4 |
23. | Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation | 4 |
23а. | Medical Oncology | 5 |
Ib. | Specialities with predominant surgical focus | |
24. | Obstetrics and Gynecology | 4 |
25. | Thoracic Surgery | 5 |
27. | Pediatric Surgery | 5 |
28. | Cardiac Surgery | 5 |
29. | Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery | 5 |
30. | Neurosurgery | 5 |
31. | Orthopedics and Traumatology | 5 |
32. | Ophthalmology | 4 |
33. | Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery | 5 |
34. | Vascular Surgery | 5 |
35. | Urology | 5 |
36. | Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases | 4 |
37. | Surgery | 5 |
Ic. | Specialities with prevalent clinical-diagnostic focus | |
38. | Biochemistry | 4 |
39. | Clinical Immunology | 4 |
40. | Clinical Laboratory | 4 |
41. | Microbiology | 4 |
42. | Nuclear Medicine | 4 |
43. | Image Diagnostics | 4 |
43а. | General and Clinical Pathology | 4 |
43b. | Radiobiology | 4 |
43c. | Medical Genetics | 4 |
Id. | Specialties with another focus | |
44. | Communal Hygiene | 4 |
46. | Social Medicine and Health Management | 4 |
47. | Occupational Medicine | 4 |
48. | Pharmacology | 4 |
II. | Specialities for persons with educational and qualification Master degree in Dental Medicine | |
1. | Oral Surgery | 3 |
2. | Orthodontics | 3 |
III. | Specialties
for persons possessing both educational and qualification Master
degree in Medicine and educational and qualification Master degree in
Dental Medicine | |
1. | Dental, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery | 4 |
Specialities which are not included in Annexes 5.1.3, 5.1.4 and 5.3.3
of Directive 2005/36/EC on the Recognition of Professional
Qualifications | |
I. | Specialities for persons with educational and qualification Master degree in Medicine | |
Iа. | Specialties with predominant therapeutic focus | |
1. | Angiology | 4 |
3. | Pediatric Gastroenterology | 4 |
4. | Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases | 4 |
5. | Pediatric Cardiology | 4 |
6. | Pediatric Clinical Haematology and Oncology | 4 |
7. | Pediatric Neurology | 4 |
8. | Pediatric Nephrology and Hemodialysis | 4 |
9. | Pediatric Pneumology and Phthisiatrics
| 4 |
10. | Pediatric Rheumatology | 4 |
11. | Clinical Toxicology | 4 |
13. | Medical Parasitology | 3 |
14. | Neonatology | 4 |
16. | Sports Medicine | 4 |
17. | Forensic Psychiatry | 4 |
17а. | Occupational Diseases | 4 |
Ib. | Specialities with prevalent clinical-diagnostic focus | |
18. | Aviation Medicine | 3 |
19. | Virology | 3 |
20. | Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases | 3 |
21. | Pathophysiology | 3 |
22. | Forensic Medicine | 3 |
23. | Toxicology | 3 |
Ic. | Specialties with another focus | |
24. | Healthcare Economics | 2 |
25. | Medicine of Disasters (Catastrophes) | 3 |
26. | General Hygiene | 3 |
27. | Radiation Hygiene | 3 |
29. | Hygiene of Childhood and Adolescence | 3 |
30. | Nutrition and Dietetics | 3 |
II. | Specialities for persons with educational and qualification Master degree in Dental Medicine | |
1. | Pediatric Dental Medicine | 3 |
2. | General Dental Medicine | 3 |
3. | Operative Dentistry and Endodontics | 3 |
4. | Periodontics and Oral Mucosal Diseases | 3 |
5. | Prosthetic Dental Medicine | 3 |
6. | Social Medicine and Public Dental Health | 3 |
7. | Dental Clinical Allergy | 3 |
III. | Specialties
for persons with educational and qualification Master degree in
Medicine - lecturers at Faculties of Dental Medicine or with educational
and qualification Master degree in Dental Medicine | |
1. | Dental Image Diagnostics | 3 |
IV. | Specialties for persons with educational and qualification Master degree in Pharmacy | |
1. | Analysis of Medicinal Products | 3 |
2. | Clinical Pharmacy | 3 |
3. | Medicinal Plants and Phytopharmaceutical Products | 3 |
4. | Organization and Economics of Distribution and Pharmaceutical Practice | 3 |
5. | Organization and Economics of Pharmaceutical Production | 3 |
6. | Pharmaceutical Technology with Biopharmacy | 3 |
7. | Toxicology and Toxicological Analysis | 3 |
8. | Clinical Chemistry | 3 |
V. | Specialties
for persons with educational and qualification Bachelor degree or
Professional Bachelor in 'Healthcare Services' professional sphere | |
1. | Anesthesiology and Intensive Care (for nurses and midwives) | 1 |
2. | Hospital Hygiene (Prevention and Control of Infection) | 1 |
3. | Consultant on Breastfeeding and Healthy and Dietetic Nutrition | 1 |
4. | Nurse for Social Activities | 1 |
5. | Public Healthcare (for nurses, midwives, sanitary inspectors and paramedics) | 1 |
6. | Operating and Dressing Techniques (for nurses and midwives) | 1 |
7. | Psychiatric Care (for nurses and paramedics) | 1 |
8. | Rehabilitation Methods and Treatment of Children with Cerebral Paralysis (for rehabilitation therapists and ergotherapists) | 1 |
9. | Primary Healthcare (for nurses) | 1 |
10. | Emergency Medical Services (for nurses and paramedics) | 1 |
11. | Specific Care of Patients with Oncological Diseases (for nurses and paramedics) | 1 |
12. | Apparatus Maintenance of Extracorporeal Blood Circulation (for nurses and paramedics) | 1 |
VI. | Specialties for persons with non-medical higher education with educational and qualification Master or Bachelor degree | |
1. | Analysis of Medicinal Products (for chemists) | 3 |
2. | Biochemistry (for biochemists, biologists, molecular biologists and chemists) | 4 |
3. | Biophysics (for biologists and physicists) | 3 |
4. | Virology (for biologists and microbiologists) | 3 |
5. | Healthcare Economics | 2 |
6. | Clinical Psychology (for psychologists) | 3 |
7. | Clinical Chemistry (for chemists, biochemists and biologists) | 3 |
8. | Laboratory Immunology (for biologists, biochemists, molecular biologists, biotechnologists) | 3 |
9. | Medicinal Plants and Herb Uses (for biologists) | 3 |
10. | Medical Zoology (for biologists) | 3 |
11. | Medical Informatics and Health Management | 3 |
12. | Medical Radiological Physics (for physicists and engineers) | 3 |
13. | Medical Sanitary Physics (for engineers and physicists) | 3 |
14. | Medical Gymnastics (for kinesitherapists - methodists in medical gymnastics) | 3 |
15. | Microbiology (for microbiologists and biologists) | 4 |
17. | Radiation Hygiene (for biologists, physicists and chemists) | 3 |
18. | Radiobiology (for biologists, physicists and chemists) | 4 |
19. | Sanitary Chemistry (for chemists) | 3 |
20. | Sanitary Engineering (for engineers and architects) | 3 |
21. | Theoretical Foundations of Medical Chemistry (for chemists) | 3 |
22. | Toxicology (for chemists, biochemists, biologists, molecular biologists, biotechnologists and ecologists) | 3 |
23. | Organization and Economics of Pharmaceutical Production (for biologists, economists, chemists and chemical engineers) | 3 |
VII. | Specialties for persons with higher medical and non- medical education | |
1. | Anatomy, Histology and Cytology (for doctors, doctors of dental medicine, biologists, molecular biologists) | 3 |
2. | Medical Biology (for doctors, biologists, molecular biologists) | 3 |
4. | Medical
Pedadgogics (for doctors, doctors of dental medicine, pharmacists,
persons with educational and qualification Bachelor degree or
Professional Bachelor in "Healthcare Services" professional sphere,
pedagogues and psychologists) | 3 |
5. | Physiology (for doctors, doctors of dental medicine) | 3 |
6. | Legal Regulation in Healthcare (for masters working in the Healthcare system) | 2 |