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Mission and Strategic Directions


The main goal of the Center for E-learning and Distance Education at the Medical University of Varna is the integration and improvement of digital media and modern eLearning tools in every department and facility of the university.

The main strategic directions of the Center for E-learning and Distance Education at the Medical University of Varna are:

  • Developing e-learning competences for the teaching staff and students by offering various forms of counseling, training and qualification courses.
  • Ensuring the full access of students to internal and external learning resources by providing modern and user-friendly online self-study systems and additional electronic interactive study materials and tests.
  • Consultation and assistance of the university teaching staff in the development and implementation of their own Blended-Learning courses.
  • Improving the quality of e-testing by assisting the performance of students' self-and eAssessment-Tools.
  • Assist in developing and delivering continuing education and lifelong learning e-courses for wider (non-university, post-university, and international) audience via MOOC's (massive open online course).
  • Participation and assistance in the development of curricula and electronic resources for distance learning master programs and programs for postgraduate qualifications and specializations.
  • Supporting university research projects concerning the field of e-learning and digital media.
  • Launching a university digital pedagogy training center aiming to familiarize teachers with methods and principles of e-learning, e-assessment and e-communication.

The cooperation of all university units related to the development of a unified electronic campus space is based on different competence and experience sharing, intensive exchange of information, implementation of common-goal projects, as well as close cooperation with Bulgarian and foreign partners.