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About US

The Center for E-learning and Distance Education at the Medical University of Varna uses the variety of skills and knowledge of the working staff to optimize the services and support offered, as well as to create common standards for the quality of the educational content and tests. In this regard, the Center for E-learning and Distance Education works on expanding and deepening contacts and cooperation with both internal (university departments and facilities) and external partners (i.e. government institutions, universities and foreign partners).

Activities of the Center for E-learning and Distance Education include:

  • Coordination, development and provision of high quality eLearning services
  • Continuous monitoring and evaluation of the eLearning content and services
  • Provide up-to-date information on opportunities and advances in the field of eLearning
  • E-learning and distance learning consultations and training courses
  • Regular workshops with eLearning teams, sharing best practices and experiences; joint projects partnerships.