All users on the list can install the Body Interact platform as follows:
Via – BI Studio at the following link: — (for monitors with min. resolution 1024px+) or scan the following QR code:
Enter the Username and Password provided to you.
From “Download Center" – Select BI client – for the different types of devices and operating systems:
- For MS Windows devices – MS Windows 10 or higher operating system is required. Follow the steps below to install the application on the local computer:
- Press “Download" in order to download the archived folder;
- Extract the folder;
- Open the file BodyInteract_setup.exe;
- If required, insert a serial number. You can request a serial number by pressing “Get Serial Number". (Keep in mind that you are allowed to request only 3 different serial numbers per user);
- Select “I accept the agreement" – thus, you accept the license agreement and continue the installation;
- Type the password “2020NewUI" when asked and proceed next;
- Insert your user information – username and organisation;
- Select – “Create a desktop shortcut" if you would like to have the Body Interact shortcut on your desktop;
- Select – “Install" – to continue the installation
- Select – “Finish" – to conclude the installation.
2) For MAC devices – macOS Big Sur 11.0.1 or higher operating system is required. Install the “Body Interact” application from the App Store.
3) For mobile MAC devices (Telephones/Tablets) – iOS 13 or higher operating system is required. Install the “Body Interact” application from the App Store
) For mobile Android devices (Telephones/Tablets) – Android 9 or higher operating system is required. Install the “Body Interact” application from Google Play Store.
Open the application – “Body Interact" and login with the Username and Password provided to you.
Successful work!