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Assist. Prof. Dr. Mariyana Georgieva Dimitrova DMD

Катедра: Dental material science and Prosthetic dental medicine
УС:ES of Prosthetic Dental Medicine
Телефон: 052/677-050



Date and place of birth: 12.09.1995, Varna 

- First language school – Varna, 2014 
- Medical University "Prof. Dr. Paraskev Stoyanov", specialty Dental Medicine - Varna, 2020
Academic positions: 
Honorary assistant in the "Preclinics of Prosthetic Dentistry" department from 2020. 
Assoc. assistant in the "Clinics of Prosthetic Dentistry" department from 2021. 
Specialising in Prosthetic Dentistry from 2022. 

Teaching activity: 
Practical exercises in prosthetic dentistry at FDM-Varna Bulgarian- and English-language programmes 
Scientific interests: 
Removable and fixed prosthodontics and implantology


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Bulgarian Dental Union