Assoc. Prof. Radoslav Georgiev was born in Dobrich on 07.04.1976. He graduated on 16.11.2001 from the Medical University – Sofia, specialty "Medicine". Since 01.11.2003 he is appointed as an assistant in the Department of Imaging Diagnostics. Since 01.07.2011 he has been a senior assistant. On 29.5.2015 he obtained a Ph.D. degree after successful completion of his dissertation on "Magnetic resonance diffusion and perfusion imaging for differentiation and evaluation of diffuse glial brain tumors".
Acquired specialties: 6.12.2007 - imaging diagnostics. 21.9.2011 - European Certificate in Neuroradiology, 7.3.2014 - European Diploma in Neuroradiology.
He has more than 85 publications and 30 participations in scientific congresses and 11 participations in international courses. The main scientific works are in the field of neuroradiology.
Scientific publications
Open Access