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Prof. Dr. Violeta Mihova Iotova PhD, DSc

Катедра: Department of Paediatrics
Телефон: 052/ 978 577



Positions and honours

Prof. Iotova is a paediatrician and paediatric endocrinologist. She is currently the Head of Department of Paediatrics at Medical University of Varna (MUV) and Clinical Head of the Paediatric current at UMHAT "Sveta Marina", Varna. She is the Vice-chair of the Research Institute at MUV and Chair of the Quality Committee at the Faculty of Medicine. Prof. Iotova is the paediatric co-chair of the Working group 1 Education&Training of the Endo-ERN 2017-2022 (, and Chair of the Clinical Fellowship Committee of ESPE ( She is President of the Union of Scientists in Varna since 2017.


Contributions to Science

Violeta Iotova led large EC scientific projects as the PI from MUV (ToyBox, Feel4Diabetes) and managed several national and local research grants. Her main interests are in childhood diabetes and obesity, growth and rare endocrine diseases. She has lead 13 PhD fellows by now. Prof. Iotova has authored and co-authored more than 260 peer-reviewed papers, of which 120 with IF. Her h-index is 31, i10-index is 64, and she has currently 4076 scientific citations as per Sep 14th, 2021.

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