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The International Pharmaceutical Organization Awarded the Faculty of Pharmacy for Best Training Practices during COVID-19

The International Pharmaceutical Organisation awarded the Faculty of Pharmacy for best training practices during COVID-19. The Faculty is among the nine best faculties in the world, which have reacted in a timely manner to the situation and managed to provide their students with adequate training. The Faculty of Pharmacy of MU-Varna has been a member of the International Pharmaceutical Federation (Fédération Internationale Pharmaceutique-FIP) since 2017.

On 13th March the Bulgarian government declared a state of emergency to limit the spread of COVID-19. These complicated circumstances posed a huge challenge for all educational institutions in their pursuit to ensure the safety of their students while providing them with opportunities to complete their education without interruption in a full-fledged learning process.

MU-Varna responded with introduction of entirely e-learning. The University is equipped with cutting-edge technology to provide virtual training and education. Thanks to the joint efforts of the management, the members of the academic staff and the experts from the Centre for Electronic and Distance Learning, the students from all programmes of Medical University - Varna continued their education according to the approved schedule through the Blackboard system. Lectures and seminars were held online in real time in a virtual classroom, using all available resources.

The academic management team underpinned the responsible attitude of the students and their contribution to the fight against COVID-19 as volunteers and decided to recognise the time and efforts dedicated to that fight as a part of their pre-graduation traineeship.


Veronika Stoyanova