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Registration for studies

Admitted students register for studies and sign their tuition agreements before the beginning of the academic year. Those who are arriving after the Orientation week must immediately register for studies prior to commencing the studies.

When can I proceed with enrollment/matriculation at the University?

1.    I have submitted all of the required application documents (apostilled and translated into Bulgarian language as per requirements).

2.    I have been successfully ranked for admission.

3.    I have received my Letter of Acceptance and further Enrollment details (by e-mail and in my MUV e-application account).

4.    I have filled in the Enrollment form in my MUV online​ application account (the option would be visible in the system once your admission status appears as admitted). 

Enrollment place:

  • For freshmen students admitted to the Programme of Pharmacy in English:

Newly admitted students in the Programme of Pharmacy in English shall complete their enrollment at the Faculty of Pharmacy (84 Tzar Osvoboditel Street) – Student Affairs Office (floor 2, room 209).

  • For freshmen students admitted to the Programme of Dental Medicine in English:

Newly admitted students in the Programme of Dental medicine in English shall complete their enrollment at the Faculty of Dental medicine (84 Tzar Osvoboditel Street) – Student Affairs Office (floor 2, room 201A). Please look for Mrs. М. Kavaklieva`s name on the door table).

  • For freshmen students admitted to the Programme of Medicine in English:

Newly admitted students in the Programme of Medicine in English shall enroll at the Faculty of Medicine (main building of the University - 55 Marin Drinov Street) – floor 2, room 205-1. Please look for Ms. Dilyana Panayotova, Ms. Sirma Draganova, Ms. Diyana Nikolova and Ms. Yuliya Angelova `s names on the door table).

Admitted students shall enroll as per the allocated schedule (date & time) of enrolment (Information will be available in the online application system). Office hours of the Enrollment offices: Mon - Fri: - 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and 13:30 p.m. - 15:30 p.m.

What do I need to complete the enrollment? 

You do need the following enrollment documents:

1. A proof of paid first semester tuition fee (4500 EUR = 8801.24 BGN) payable to the University bank account in BGN; 

The tuition fee shall be paid in the BGN equivalent of the fixed tuition sum in EUR according to the fixing of the EUR to BGN to the University bank account as follows:

Name of the Bank: DSK BANK PLC, Varna branch / Bulgaria


IBAN: BG24STSA93003100040700 in BGN

Beneficiary name & address: 

Medical University Varna

55 "Marin Drinov" St., Varna 9002, Bulgaria

N.B.! Please also take into consideration that a transfer fee is usually payable and applied if sending money by a bank transfer. When transferring the exact amount of the tuition fee, the transfer fee (or other bank charges) might be deducted from that amount, rendering your tuition fee deficient. Accordingly, please contact your home bank prior to transferring the tuition fee ( 8801.24 BGN ) to find out whether the bank deducts a transfer fee (or any other additional bank charges) from the transferred amount. If yes, please pay them apart from the tuition fee, because it is the student's liability!

N.B.! Please note that the tuition transfer (if you choose to pay the tuition fee by a bank transfer) shall be made in the name of the student (you may also add the programme of study Medicine or Dental medicine & Ist semester tuition fee).

Please bring the proof of payment (bank receipt) with you on a hard copy when you come to complete your enrollment in Varna. 

2. Registration documents/set (Includes student ID card; student book/index book and declarations) – available for sale at the University bookstore – 55 Marin Drinov Street.

3. Valid health insurance covering the territory of Bulgaria and the duration of period of the academic year!

For further details, please refer to Heath insurance from the Prospective students gateway on the admission area of our website.

4. Valid study visa type D for Non-EU students.