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The Renovated Central University Library of MU-Varna Was Solemnly Opened

The Central University Library of MU-Varna in the main building (the Rectorate) was opened in solemn setting, after its major renovation and functional optimisation. The ribbon was cut by the Rector Prof. Dr. Svetoslav Georgiev and the Mayor of Varna Mr. Blagomir Kotsev. The current modernisation investment has been made entirely by the University and exceeds BGN 1 347 000.

In his greeting speech, Prof. Georgiev emphasised that since the establishment of the University to the present day, all academic managements have made efforts to improve the material and technical facilities of the Library and to enrich the literature fund. In front of the official guests and academia, the Rector underlined, “I am convinced that with the current renovation, we now have a Library at European level that provides everything necessary for the educational process of students, for the development of research done by the PhD students and University lecturers, namely the largest library platform containing e-textbooks, a rich digital collection of books and specialised literature, and access to a wide range of information resources." 

Prof. Georgiev wished everyone smooth sailing with the Latin aphorism “SCENTIA EST POTENTIA – Knowledge is power".

On the occasion of the opening of the renovated Library, the Mayor of Varna Mr. Blagomir Kotsev also addressed a greeting to the academic community of MU-Varna.

The Director of the Library Ms Rumyana Radeva made a retrospective overview of the activities performed at the Library. In addition to the educational functions for providing teaching and scientific support, the team focuses on organising and presenting the scientific output of MU-Varna in specialised on-line databases. The aim is to promote the scientific results and cooperation opportunities. One of the major achievements is that due to its Library, MU-Varna has become the first among the medical universities to provide its users with access to electronic learning platforms and scientific databases through its own subscription.  

The renovated Library has increased its reading places by 20 %. There is a service room, reading rooms for students and lecturers, a computer room, a space for free access to literature with reading corners. The modernisation also includes a lifting platform for transferring books and materials. New air purification ducts and an air conditioning system have been installed. From 5 March, the Library opens its doors with working hours from 9 am to 9 pm on weekdays, and from 10 am to 6 pm on Saturdays.

For its more than 60 years of history, MU-Varna, through its Library, has become the centre of the richest collection of medical literature in North-East Bulgaria. More than 160 thousand volumes of books, monographs, collections and scientific journals are stored there. The collections and archives deal with all fields of Medicine, Pharmacy and Public Health. The literature is both in Bulgarian and foreign-languages. The Library also boasts its collection of more than 500 old books in the field of Medicine, Pharmacology and Dental Medicine, printed between 1830 and 1950.  ​

