In relation to the Decision of the National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria on declaring a state of emergency in the country in view of the increase in the number of detected cases of coronavirus infection (COVID-19), as of 14th March 2020, the training process in all programs of study at Medical University "Prof. Dr. Paraskev Stoyanov" - Varna, including the Professional Education Centre, shall be conducted through the Blackboard electronic system of the University and other technical methods, tools and eLearning platforms introduced in the educational process.
Preliminary admission examinations scheduled for 28.03.2020 and 11.04.2020 shall be postponed for an unspecified period of time. Submission of applications for sitting the admission examinations shall be done only electronically.
The team of the Centre for Electronic and Distance Learning is developing the necessary instructions for the transition to online training. For students who are to begin their classes on the platform as early as Monday, we recommend getting acquainted with the Discussion Board (Discussions) tool. Look forward to instructional resources on using Forums (discussions) and a virtual Blackboard Collaborate classroom. If necessary, you can send an e-mail to
As of 14.03, the Library at MU-Varna shall not be working with readers. E-services and remote access to resources are provided: AccessMedicine, UpToDate, Acland Anatomy Video Atlas, etc. They can be accessed via remote access with a username and password. For access password requests, please use the site of the Library of MU-Varna (submission of electronic forms and requests) or write directly to