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The Director of Veliko Tarnovo Affiliate of MU - Varna Assoc. Prof. Diana Dimitrova Was Awarded the Badge of Honour of the President of the Republic of Bulgaria

The Badge of Honour of the President of the Republic of Bulgaria was conferred on Assoc. Prof. Diana Dimitrova, Director of Veliko Tarnovo Affiliate of MU - Varna for merit to Obstetrics Education in Bulgaria. The high distinction was awarded by the President Mr. Rumen Radev at a formal ceremony in the Coat of Arms Hall on 7th April – the World Health Day.  Assoc. Prof.  Dimitrova was nominated for the high distinction by the Alliance of Bulgarian Midwives. 

During the ceremony for awarding outstanding medics for their professionalism and dedication to caring for the health of patients, the President said, "Today's ceremony is a tribute paid by our whole society to your professionalism and dedication.  It is also a token of appreciation for all your colleagues devoted to the idea that everyone deserves the right to health."

Veliko Tarnovo Affiliate of Medical University – Varna, which was inaugurated in 2015, provides training in Midwifery and Nursing.  This is four – year, full – time training, conducted in compliance with an academic curriculum and programmes that meet the Unified State Requirements and are in line with the highest international standards.