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Assoc. Prof. Dr. Diana Petkova Was Elected Head of the Bulgarian Society of Pulmonary Diseases Again

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Diana Petkova from the Clnic of Pneumology and Phthysiatry at UMHAT "St. Marina" – Varna and a lecturer at MU – Varna was once again elected Chairperson of the Management Board of the Bulgarian Society of Pulmonary Diseases. The election took place during the 8th Congress of the Bulgarian Society of Pulmonary Diseases, which was held from 13th to 16th October 2022 at International Hotel in Golden Sands Resort near Varna.

During the congress the specialists summarised the achievements of the Bulgarian pulmonologists in the study and treatment of COVID-19, tuberculosis, asthma and other lung health problems. The 8th Congress of the Bulgarian Society of Pulmonary Diseases has enriched the knowledge of pulmonologists on COVID-19, tuberculosis, asthma, interstitial pulmonary fibrosis and other diseases. The symposiums of the congress were attended by medical specialists from all over the country, as well as outstanding scientists from Europe, the USA and Canada.

After being elected as Chairperson of the Management Board of the Bulgarian Society of Pulmonary Diseases, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Diana Petkova said, "Our Congress has shown that despite the pandemic and the fatigue, the spirit of science and the desire for knowledge have never been quenched, and our guild is ready to face the challenges of the time we live in. We express our gratitude and respect to all pulmonologists from the pre-hospital and hospital care, who were relentlessly at their work places despite the risks to their own health and the health of their families. All of us were helping the suffering people with the sole purpose of saving human lives.

Tribute to the living and a minute of silence for the fellow lung specialists who fulfilled their professional duty at the cost of their lives. May the energy, the urge for knowledge and development we have never leave us in times of hardship! For we have already proven that we can confront complicated tasks with honour! Our organisation – one of the first scientific societies in Bulgaria, has survived for more than 110 years, combating various diseases such as tuberculosis, lung infections, COVID-19."

Traditionally, the award "For an overall contribution to the education in Pneumology and Phthisiatry in the name of Prof. Vanko Nichev" was presented during the congress. This distinction was conferred on Prof. Dr. Ognyan Georgiev, long-time head of the Department of Propedeutics of Internal Medicine at MU – Sofia and the Clinic of Propedeutics of Internal Medicine at UMHAT "Aleksandrovska" – Sofia. The award for contribution to the development of the pneumophthisiatric network in the name of Dr. Dimitar Gramatikov was conferred on Dr. Evelina Troshanova, a long-time manager of the Specialised Hospital for Active Treatment of Pneumophthisiatric Diseases – Burgas, and Dr. Veselin Davchev, head of the Department of Phthisiatry at UMHAT "St.  George" – Plovdiv and long-time director of the Specialised Hospital for Pneumophthisiatric Diseases "Dimitar Kudoglu" – Plovdiv. Dr. Nikolay Kyuchukov from MU – Pleven and Dr. Vanya Kostadinova from MU – Varna were distinguished with the award "Best Young Pulmonologist" for their professional work.

Prof. Joanna Chorostowska, current Secretary General of the European Respiratory Society, and Prof. Marcos Restrepo from the University of Texas in San Antonio, the USA, were awarded with the title of Honorary Member of the Bulgarian Society of Pulmonary Diseases and a bronze sculpture created by Prof. Venelin Bozhidarov. The distinction "110 years of BSPD" was awarded to Prof. Michael Niederman from Cornell University in New York, the USA, and Prof. Louis-Philippe Boulet from the Quebec Institute of Pulmonology and Cardiology at Université Laval, Canada, who is the Chairperson of the Board of Directors of the Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA).