This year again, the Museum of the History of Medicine will participate in the Night of Museums. Medical University “Prof. Dr. Paraskev Stoyanov"–Varna and Association “Museum of the History of Medicine–Varna" would like to invite all residents and guests of the Sea Capital to explore the rich and unique exposition and become a part of the surprises prepared for 18 May 2024. Visitors will have the opportunity to attend demonstrations and experiments performed by scientists and students at Medical University–Varna.
• 18:00–18:30 – Opening with a musical performance by Aleksandar Petrov and a performance by the student cheerleader band at MU-Varna, led by Galina Dikova
• 18:30–19:00 – Human Anatomy – amidst the Scalpel, the Tweezers and the Mouse
Dr. Radoslav Spasov will take you to an inspirational journey amidst the dimensions of the classical anatomical science “by means of a knife and tweezers" and the virtual world, where new opportunities for studying the structure of the human body will be revealed to us.
Duration: 25-30 min
• At 8:00 p.m. – Students and lecturers at the Department of Chemistry at MU–Varna will perform a "Chemists' Show" – spectacular demonstrations of chemical reactions and experiments.
• Last admission of group visits–11:00 p.m.
The address is: 7, Paraskeva Nikolaou Str.
The European Night of Museums is organised under the patronage of the Council of Europe, UNESCO and the International Council of Museums (ICOM). It involves more than 4 000 museums and galleries from 40 European countries. On 18 May 2024, the European Night of Museums in Varna will involve museums, galleries, creative and alternative spaces for art and culture. All the details of the event programme are available on website:, as well as on Varna Night Facebook page. The event is organised by Varna Municipality, Yordan Petkov Art Foundation andTalyana Association, in partnership with the French Institute in Bulgaria.
Welcome to the Museum of the History of Medicine on 18 May 2024 in order to share moments of discovery and trace down the path of Medicine from ancient times to the present together with your families and friends!