The Medical University of Varna has been renowned for being one of the most cosmopolitan universities for a long time. Students, coming from more than 50 countries worldwide, have been trained here at present. The special emphasis upon the practical part of the training process, the commitment of the lecturers to the students' acquisition of knowledge and the accomplishment of each student, the excellent training facilities, the European Diploma Supplement, which the graduates receive, and last but not least the favorable geographic location of the city are just some of the reasons why the Medical University of Varna attracts so many foreign students.
The University Open Day for prospective international students at Medical University – Varna will be held for the first time this year on 12th April. The University will open its doors to school students, prospective students, parents and guests.
The event organizers promise to tell and show interesting, curious and unexpected things to their guests. The visitors will have the chance to observe Human Anatomy via modern 3D technology, to see one of the richest museum collections of Anatomy, as well as the training facilities of the University.
The visitors will have the possibility to meet not only the team of the Office of Admissions and their future lecturers, but also current international students of the University.
To review the event schedule, please click here