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The Third Summer Stroke School Will Be Held at MU-Varna

The Third Summer Stroke School will be held between 15 – 16 June 2024 at First Auditorium of Medical University “Prof. Dr. Paraskev Stoyanov"–Varna. The scientific forum is a continuation of the traditional multidisciplinary meetings devoted to cerebrovascular pathology and stroke, and will be held under the auspices of MU–Varna and UMHAT “St. Marina"–Varna.

The scientific papers and presentations will be delivered within two days. This year's upcoming event is focused on stroke treatment organisation, neuroimaging methods in acute ischemic stroke, stroke-related risk factors and their prevention. The topics of strokes in childhood, rare causes of stroke and post-stroke rehabilitation options will also be in the spotlight of the discussions. Besides the presentation of theoretical papers, interesting clinical cases drawn from daily practice will be presented and commented on.

The annual organisation of the scientific events dedicated to stroke is aimed at long-term cooperation among all the units involved in the organisation and implementation of the differentiated treatment. The goal is to enhance the coordination of the efforts to treat the disease in the country, to achieve maximum effect and improve the care for people with stroke. The achievement of optimal quality of care and treatment in the functioning centres is inextricably linked to the continuous training of undergraduate and postgraduate students, and the continuing medical training of specialists.

You can register for the Third Summer Stroke School here​

The First National Stroke Conference with international participation was held in 2018, and the First Summer Stroke School – in 2019, followed by annual scientific forums dedicated to cerebral stroke.​
