For a consecutive year, MU-Varna has been the leader among the medical universities in Bulgaria and ranked in the top 10 most prestigious higher education institutions in the country, according to the world leading independent higher education directory and search engine uniRank™. The ranking is based on valid, unbiased and non-influenceable web metrics provided by independent sources rather than data submitted by the universities themselves.
UniRank arranges higher education institutions in Bulgaria by rating, taking into account accreditation, provision of Bachelor, Master and Doctoral degrees, Web space visibility, excellence, international authority and trust in the educational institution.
The forefront position of MU-Varna indicates that students have highly assessed the quality of education, modern and high-tech environment, access to the best world information databases and the lecturers at the University.
This year, over 6 200 students from more than 50 countries are studying at MU-Varna. The number of international students is approximately 1 900. The University is a preferred and highly appreciated place of studying Medicine and Dental Medicine for students from Germany, Great Britain, India, Ireland, the USA, Canada, Switzerland, etc.
UniRank searches and finds review and ranking information for approximately 14 000 public universities and colleges in more than 200 countries. The platform aims to provide a non-academic ranking and to answer the question of which are the most popular universities in the world.
The ranking is available at the following address: