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School for PhD students

The School for PhD students is one of the most recent structures at Medical University "Prof. Dr. Paraskev Stoyanov"-Varna. Its activities are aimed at developing and expanding of the University's scientific and research potential through:​

Organization and coordination of the training for the acquisition of the educational and scientific degree "PhD", adequate to the public demand under conditions of enhanced competition and knowledge-based economy including:

  •   Training and formation of specific research knowledge and competences (theory and practice of scientific research, scientific research methods, development of a dissertation thesis, publication activities, etc.)
  •   Training and formation of knowledge and competences for the PhD student's career development;
  •   Training and formation of academic knowledge and skills;
  •   Training in foreign languages and computer skills.

   Dissemination of modern and hi-tech scientific methods as well as enhancement of the relation between "science" and "business" aimed at knowledge transfer to companies and enterprises and, vice versa, transfer of resources to the research laboratories and teams from Varna Medical University;

 Providing incentives for participation in international events and establishment of international contacts, training at foreign universities and scientific research centres, interdisciplinary training and research, contacts and internships with industrial partners.

 Assistance in applying for various scientific research projects, establishment and coordination of international co-operation on scientific topics.

 Organization and facilitation of the publication of textbookshandbooks and other teaching manuals for PhD training.           Organization of various training coursesworkshops and seminars.

The target group of the school includes the following:  PhD students, postdoctoral students, young scientists and students. It also envisages the organization of courses for the improvement of the teaching staff professional qualification at Varna Medical University.

The mission of the School for PhD students at Varna Medical University is to prepare highly qualified specialists for the conditions of the globalized 21st century economy, ready to occupy leading positions both in the academic circles and in the field of medical practice and public health management.

In 2012 Medical University "Prof. Dr. Paraskev Stoyanov" – Varna won a project entitled "Increase of the Scientific Potential and Career Development Opportunities in the Field of Medicine, Healthcare and Biotechnologies" in the framework of Operational programme "Human Resources Development", Scheme BG051PO001-3.3.06 "Support for the Development of PhD Students, Postdoctoral Students and Young Scientists". The project amounts to 654 041 BGN and is being carried out for a period of 2 years from 2012 to 2014. The project is aimed at supporting the "School for PhD students" at Varna Medical University in structural, technological and organizational terms. In this respect, the project envisages the training of young people who have completed higher education in the fields of medicine, healthcare and biotechnologies. Thus, the University invests in its human capital for the acquisition of new knowledge for future professional accomplishment and life-long improvement of the quality of education.

According to the Lisbon strategy, the objectives of the European Union development are directed toward enhances efforts for giving incentives to economy, adaptation of the workforce to the requirements of the labour market and the market in healthcare in particular. The purpose is to adapt the systems of training and education to the needs of economy and medicine based on knowledge. The project is also aimed at increasing the efficiency of the training institution and reducing the lag in the scientific research sector in Bulgaria as compared to other EU member countries. Financial support will be provided for 50 PhD students and their scientific supervisors from Varna Medical University in the process of acquiring the scientific degree "PhD".

   In the field of medicine in: endicrinology, biochemistry, bioorganic chemistry, gastroenterology, dermatology and venerology, physiotherapy, pediatrics, psychiatry, ophthalmology, general medicine, neurosurgery, medical radiology and Roentgeneology, general surgery, orthopedics, genetics, therapeutical physiology of the animals and the humans, medical psychology.

  In the field of dental medicine in: surgical and orthopedic dentistry

  In the field of healthcare organization and management and social medicine.

During the project implementation, the PhD students from the target group will receive scholarships, the expenses will be covered for their studies, study visits, publication of abstracts, etc. For further information you can visit the website of Varna Medical University on:​​​