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Tuition fees

MU-Varna bank account in BGN
DSK BANK PLC, Sofia /Bulgaria
IBAN: BG24STSA93003100040700
In favour of:
Medical University Varna
55 "Marin Drinov" St., Varna 9000, Bulgaria

The annual tuition fee for the academic year 2023/2024 for Medicine and Dental Medicine - English language programme is as follows:
for first-year students – 17,602.47 BGN (9000 euro) and for second- to sixth-year students – 15 646,64 BGN (8000 euro).

The annual tuition fee can be paid at once or in two equal instalments (at the beginning of each academic year or at the beginning of every semester) but not later than two weeks after the beginning of the semester. Students who do not pay their tuition fees on time will not be registered for the academic year and will not have the right to attend classes!

Sixth-year students can pay the tuition fee in two equal payments, respectively, from 30th August to 15th September and from 1st February until 15th February.

Please also take into consideration that a transfer fee is usually payable and applied if sending money by a bank transfer. When transferring the exact amount of the tuition fee, the transfer fee might be deducted from that amount, rendering your tuition fee deficient. Accordingly, please contact your home bank prior to transferring the tuition fee to find out whether the bank deducts a transfer fee from the transferred amount. If yes, please pay the transfer fee apart from the tuition fee, because it is the student's liability!

In case of withdrawal from the University before the beginning of the academic year against submitting the official payment receipt, 80% of the paid semestrial tuition fee is to be refunded.

After the beginning of the academic year, the paid tuition fee will not be refunded!

Administrative service fees