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The Faculty of public health

The Faculty of Public Health prepares specialists with higher education in Health Management, Public Health, Health Care and Nursing and Midwifery. The Faculty comprises seven departments with 89 lecturers, 25 of whom having academic ranks. Doctor's Degree training may be carried out in 13 accredited courses. Postgraduate education is organized in the form of continuing education courses as well as individual courses for postgraduate studies. The Faculty of Public Health is a member of the Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER) and Public Health in South Eastern Europe (PH-SEE), a founding member and a member of the National Network for Global Health.

Based on contracts with a number of foreign universities, the Faculty of Public Health carries out an active international exchange of students in the form of internships and practices and different in duration periods of training.

FPH has the highest rating registered in the rating system of the Bulgarian higher education in the relevant field. Work in small groups allows the lecturers to pay individual attention to each student. Learners are provided with opportunities to participate in research projects in Europe and worldwide. The Faculty takes extra care of career development and the future of its students.

Dean of the Faculty of Public Health

Prof. Teodora Todorova Dimitrova, MD, PhD​


Tel: +359 52 677 166

Vice Dean "Educational Affairs, Accreditation and Quality"

Ch. Assist. Prof. Eliyana Panayotova Ivanova, MD, PhD 

Tel: +359  52 606 465​


Vice Dean "Science and Research"

Assoc. Prof. Nataliya Vasilevna Usheva, MD, PhD 


Tel.: +359 52 677 164; +359 887 784 070​