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​Ден на отворените врати в Университетския център по източна медицина
​ Световен ден без тютюн

​Сезони за релакс - За здраво и красиво тяло

​Първите седем - Източната медицина – ефективност и приложение при деца

​The Science of Life - AYURVEDA 1 Dr. Naushad Ali Thacha Paramban
​The Science of Life - AYURVEDA 2 Dr. Naushad Ali Thacha Paramban
​The Science of Life - AYURVEDA 3 Dr. Naushad Ali Thacha Paramban
​The Science of Life - AYURVEDA 4 Dr. Naushad Ali Thacha Paramban
The Science of Life - AYURVEDA 5 Dr. Naushad Ali Thacha Paramban
​The Science of Life - AYURVEDA 6 Dr. Naushad Ali Thacha Paramban​
​The Science of Life - AYURVEDA 7 Dr. Naushad Ali Thacha Paramban​
​ Източна медицина на академично ниво




Publications in scientific journals, referenced and indexed in world-famous databases with scientific information:

  •  Mancheva P. Does the temp-decision contribute to the restoration of the employability? Journal of Imab. 2020;26(1):2921-2925.
  • Shivachev Y, Bogomilova St. Prevention tools in the area of the knee complex treatment and prophylaxis. Journal of Imab. 2020;26(2):3160-3162.
  • Mancheva P. Does the temp-decision contribute to the restoration of the employability? Journal of Imab. 2020;26(1):2921-2925.
  • Slavova V. Modern medicine - science or art? Philosophy Journal; 2019;(2):128-134.
  • Shivachev Y, Grozdeva D, Mancheva P, Bogomilova St, Nenova G, Kostadinova T. Multidisciplinary cooperation between complementary and conventional medicine with patient suffering from myofascial pain syndrome. Journal of IMAB. 2018;24(3):2125-2128.
  • Nenova G, Mancheva P, Kostadinova T, Mihov K, Dobrilov S. Mentoring in the fields of physiotherapy and integrated care. Journal of Imab. 2018;24(1):1923-1927.

Publications published in unreferred journals with scientific review:

  • Mancheva P. The cooperation between Eastern and Western medicine for coping with chronic disease at the University center of eastern medicine, Medical University "Prof. Dr. Paraskev Stoyanov ", Varna. Social medicine. 2019; (2): 32-37.
  • Mancheva P. The European principle "rehabilitation-integration-return to the labor market" and the assessment of disability. Health economics and management. 2019; 3 (73): 27-32.
  • Bogomilova St., Shivachev J. Manual lymphatic drainage - an alternative in the complex treatment of complications in plastic surgery - presentation of a clinical case. Health policy and management. 2019; (2): 65-67.
  • Shivachev Y, Bogomilova St. Genu varum - A pathobiomechanical condition for soft tissue dysfunctions of the lower limbs. Health policy and management. 2019; (2): 68-70.
  • Mancheva P, Nenova G, Nedev N, Kraycheva E. The role of rehabilitation in chronic disease. Journal of the Medical College-Varna. 2018; 1 (1): 30-33.
  • Grozdeva D, Mollova M, Nikolova T, Dimova S. Acupuncture - medical medicine from the east. Varna Medical Forum. 2018; 7 (4): 325-329.
  • Grozdeva D, Shankulova M, Ismailova A, Alieva B. Moxotherapy - a non-traditional method of treatment. Varna Medical Forum. 2018; 7 (4): 311-315.
  • Kraycheva E, Bogomilova St, Shivachev Y, Grozdeva D, Nenova G. The place of Ayurveda in the approach to the Bulgarian patient. Varna Medical Forum. 2018; 7 (4): 167-171.
  • Tarpomanova Ts. Awareness, attitude and readiness of the Bulgarian for consumption of the methods of Eastern medicine. Social medicine. 2018; (3-4): 51-54.
  • Shivachev Y, Mancheva P, Grozdeva D. The method "gas-discharge visualization" in the diagnosis of stress factors in athletes. Varna Medical Forum. 2018; 7 (4): 340-344.
  • Grozdeva D, Dikova Ts. Gas discharge visualization – historical developments, research dynamics and innovative applications Scripta Scientifica Salutis Publicae. 2018;(4):27-33.
  • Kapincheva I, Vankova D. The European concept "Complementary and alternative medicine" - history, essence and place in public health. Social medicine. 2018; (2): 18-22.
  • Kraycheva E. Study of patients' attitudes for application of unconventional methods for beneficial effects on individual health in complex rehabilitation. Varna Medical Forum. 2018; 7 (4): 263-267.
  • Mancheva P. Is cooperation between eastern and western medicine possible in Bulgaria? Scripta Scientifica Salutis Publicae. 2018;(4):69-73.
  • Vankova D. SWOT analysis of Eastern Medicine developments in Bulgaria. Scripta Scientifica Salutis Publicae. 2018;(4):34-41.
  • Dimova S, Kraycheva E, Mollova M, Nikolova T. Aromatherapy as an alternative medicine. Varna Medical Forum. 2018; 7 (4): 316-324.
  • Alieva B, Nikolova D, Ismailova A, Shankulova M. Hydrotherapy - the healing power of water. Varna Medical Forum. 2018; 7 (4): 306-310.
  • Ismailova A, Nikolova D, Alieva B, Shankulova M. Peloidotherapy - the healing properties of mud. Varna Medical Forum. 2018; 7 (4): 300-305.
  • Bogomilova St, Shivachev Y, Nenova G. Innovative opportunity to support the reduction of overweight in adolescents. Varna Medical Forum. 2018; 7 (4): 274-277.
  • Nikolova D, Kraycheva E. Therapeutic aspects of iyengar yoga. Varna Medical Forum. 2018; 7 (4): 254-259.
  • Shivachev Y, Grozdeva D, Mancheva P. Complementary versus Conventional medicine in Carpal tunnel syndrome? A case report. Scripta Scientifica Medica. 2017;49(4):67-70.
  • Mancheva P, Shivachev Y. Unconventional methods of treatment as part of a holistic approach in the management of chronic disabling disease. Health economics and management. 2017; 2 (64): 33-35.
  • Nikolova D, Ivanova E, Mancheva P. Eastern healing systems - therapeutic aspects and their application for the formation of a healthy lifestyle. Varna Medical Forum. 2017; 2 (6): 242-245.
  • Stefanova S, Doncheva R, Mitev R, Filkova S. Rebound therapy - a new rehabilitation approach. Varna Medical Forum. 2017; 2 (6): 223-226.
  • Shivachev Y, Stancheva E, Mancheva P. Eastern medicine in the management of chronic disc disease. Health economics and management. 2017; 2 (64): 36-39.
  • Bogomilova St, Nenova G, Panova Ts. Fitball as a multifunctional kinesitherapeutic device - peculiarities in the choice. Varna Medical Forum. 2017; 2 (6): 188-191.
  • Nikolova T, Filkova S, Mollova M, Ismailova A. Halotherapy - origin, development and therapeutic benefits. Varna Medical Forum. 2017; 2 (6): 213-217.
  • Bogomilova St, Grozdeva D, Shivachev Y. Overweight, cellulite and aesthetic kinesitherapy in menopause - presentation of a clinical case. Varna Medical Forum. 2017; 2 (6): 192-195.
  • Shivachev Y, Grozdeva D, Bogomilova St. Meridian massage and postisometric relaxation in the treatment of tension headache. Varna Medical Forum. 2017; 2 (6): 196-198.
  • Panova C, Nenova G, Nikolova D, Hachmerian A. Feldenkrais method in cerebral palsy. presentation of a clinical case. Varna Medical Forum. 2017; 2 (6): 203-207.
  • Nedev N, Nenova G, Mancheva P. Health care for stroke patients - a challenge for rehabilitation at home. Varna Medical Forum. 2016; 5 (3): 158-161.
  • Nenova G, Mancheva P. Physiotherapy and chronic diseases. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN 978-3-330-00120-6, 2016, pp.52.

Participation in international forums:

  • 10th International Conference on Acupuncture, Traditional Medicine & Health Care (20-21.06.2019, Rome, Italy) - Assistant Professor Dr. Denitsa Grozdeva with a report on "Propolis - new expectations".
  • 1st International conference on scoliosis management, Istanbul, Turkey, 12-13 April 2019 – Yani Shivachev, Stanislava Bogomilova.
  • 7th International Conference and Expo on Acupuncutre and Oriental Medicine (10-11.04.2019, Toronto, Canada) – Deniza Grozdeva „Temporomandibular disorders - integrative perspectives".

Participation in national forums:

  • Jubilee student conference of the Faculty "Public Health, Health Care and Sports", Neofit Rilski University - Blagoevgrad, April 16, 2019 - Yani Shivachev, Stanislava Bogomilova.
  • Third National Conference of the Bulgarian Scientific Society of Public Health "Public health - the capital of the future". Plovdiv; May 30 - June 1, 2019 - Stanislava Bogomilova, Gergana Nenova, Yani Shivachev.



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