Departments Department of Biochemistry, Molecular Medicine and Nutrigenomics Department of Pharmaceutical ChemistryDepartment of Pharmaceutical TechnologiesDepartment of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy Department of Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmacotherapy Department of Preclinical and Clinical Sciences Department of Physics and Biophysics Department of BiologyDepartment of Chemistry Prof. Dr. Petko Penkov Marinov,, MD, PhDDeanPharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmacotherapy052677203petko.marinov@mu-varna.bgProf. Diana Georgieva Ivanova, Ph.D., D.ScBiochemistry, Molecular Medicine and Nutrigenomics+35952677075divanova@mu-varna.bgAssoc. Prof. Milka Asparuhova Nashar, PhDBiochemistry, Molecular Medicine and, milka.nashar@mu-varna.bgProf. Dobri Lzarov Ivanov, PhD Biology052/677050d.ivanov@mu-varna.bgдоц. д-р Александър Стоянов Стоянов , дмКатедра по предклинични и клинични науки052/978280pv3ss@abv.bgAssoc. Prof. Oskan Bahidinov TasinovDepartment of Biochemistry, Molecular Medicine and Nutrigenomics, Faculty of Pharmacy+35952677050oskan.tasinov@gmail.comCh.Assist. Prof. Nikoleta Dobromirova Ivanova, nikoleta.ivanova@mu-varna.bgCh. Assist. Prof. Todorka Dimova Sokrateva, PhDBiochemistry, Molecular Medicine and / sokrateva@mu-varna.bgAssoc. Prof. Maria Atanasova Radanova, PhD Biochemistry, Molecular Medicine and Nutrigenomics+35952677050m_radanova@abv.bgCh. Assist. Prof. Miglena Nikolaeva Nikolova, PhD Biochemistry, Molecular Medicine and Nutrigenomics+35952677050miglena.todorova@mu-varna.bgChief Assistant Prof. Galya Mihaylova Mihaylova, PhDDepartment of Biochemistry, Molecular Medicine and Nutrigenomics0895/026153galya.mihaylova@mu-varna.bgChief Assist. Prof. Deyana Georgieva VankovaDepartment of Biochemistry, Molecular Medicine and |<< < 1 2 > >>| Page 1 from 2